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Waiting At Eros (2009)

Waiting at Eros (2009)

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2.59 of 5 Votes: 2
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Ellora's Cave Blush

About book Waiting At Eros (2009)

This was a free kindle novelette. For what it was, it was a cute story about a number of women that meet at the statue of Eros five years after having a summer fling with Timo, the nephew of the owner of the hotel the women stayed at during the course of the summer. He told each of them, separately, let's meet at the statue in 5 years and see what's happened and where we are in our lives. Surreptitiously women arrive and act as though they are not waiting to meet with someone. Then they start talking to each other and realize that they are all there for the same reason…. This wasn't really as good as the other short stories I've been reading recently. I'm not entirely sure about it - from what I understood there's a guy in Turkey who made a date with at least 4 women to meet 5 years from when they did previously and they all showed up. Each for their own reasons. Theres a surprising twist to one of the characters whose reason for being there isn't revealed until the final pages. It's not a surprising ending I guess, the story has to have a point and the reason she went provides the point of the story

Do You like book Waiting At Eros (2009)?

Free on Kindle.Really cute short story. I would read this author again.

Very cute short story. It takes 15 minutes to on Kindle.

Short and sweet. Makes you wonder. I like the little twist in it.

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