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VIM In Der Praxis - Blitzschnell Text Editieren: Blitzschnell Text Editieren (2013)

VIM in Der Praxis - Blitzschnell Text Editieren: Blitzschnell Text Editieren (2013)

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3955615782 (ISBN13: 9783955615789)
O'Reilly Verlag

About book VIM In Der Praxis - Blitzschnell Text Editieren: Blitzschnell Text Editieren (2013)

I have been using Vim for 10 years and still learnt a lot from this book. It's not an introductory book. If you're new to Vim, type vimtutor at the command line and follow the tutorial. After a few months of using Vim, reading this book should be very useful.The book intentionally stays focused on out-of-the-box Vim features. There are a few side notes about third-party plugins, just so you know they exist, but what you learn in this book you'll be able to apply on any instance of Vim. It doesn't say a lot about Vim Script either, instead it focuses on interactive usage. This book does one thing and it does it well.This book doesn't just introduce Vim features, which would be pretty useless since Vim documentation is already good at that. Instead it shows you how to use those features efficiently with a good mix of theory and practice. It explains the logic and the intention behind each feature and it presents quite realistic examples based on editing code or prose. One thing that surprised me is that even off-line reading (for example on the train) proved quite fruitful. Of course just reading off-line didn't make me memorize the details of the commands but it was enough to remember the intention and usage patterns. Then, back at work, I was usually able to just use Vim doc to find out the execution details of the patterns that I was introduced to by the book.The author's tone is very casual, without being silly. I remember laughing at loud at a couple of his jokes. It's a very pleasant and relaxing read.If I had one tiny complain it would be that sometimes there are references to other sections of the book using page numbers when those sections actually happen to be on the next page or even on the same page. So I found myself going like "ok OK, let's see what on that page 42... oh, I'm on page 42 already!", which is a bit odd. I suppose that's not the author's fault though, but rather an editor constraint. This book is an excellent guide for Vim. Although I have been using vim for more than 10 years, there were many tips that came as a pleasant surprise to me.The book is well organized, every tip is beautifully explained, and the examples are clear and expressive. It is not a beginner course. You need to be familiar with vim's basics before you can appreciate the tips given here. For readers who want to improve their vim productivity, this id definitely the best book.

Do You like book VIM In Der Praxis - Blitzschnell Text Editieren: Blitzschnell Text Editieren (2013)?

I've used Vim for a long time but this book taught me plenty that I didn't know.

Vimtutor is > this book. Would not recommend had I not gotten it for free.

the best vim reference I've ever found. fantastic.

That the little guy learns to wright n

An indispensable read for Vim-fans.

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