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Vanish In Plain Sight (2011)

Vanish in Plain Sight (2011)

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3.87 of 5 Votes: 1
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0373775768 (ISBN13: 9780373775767)
HQN Books

About book Vanish In Plain Sight (2011)

Well written fun mystery. Main character is a woman that lost her mom at a young age. her mother disappeared-perhaps to return to her people-the Amish--but maybe there is a more sinister reason--that is the mystery. Once again this author explores the differences and commonalities of the Amish and English life. Well done and doesn't hit you over the head with information---just makes everything an integral part of the story. This book was pleasantly refreshing and entertaining. By refreshing, I mean that it was "clean" read, no cussing, no smut, just a good "who done it" story. Marissa Angelo's mother left when she was five under a cloud of mystery and Marissa always yearned for the truth. Fast forward to Marissa's adult life and the past comes rushing back when her mother's suitcase is found in the wall of a home in the community they used to live. Her mother was Amish but left the church to marry Marissa's father. Marissa had her own preconceived notions about the Amish but she would soon learn what was true and what was false. She would also finally learn the fate of her mother. As a side note, this book #2 in an Amish mystery series. I didn't realize that when I picked the book up but I was able to follow this book without having read book #1.

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Loved this book! Couldn't put it down. Will definitely read more by Marta Perry!

I think this book was better or more suspenseful than the first book! Loved it!

Quick read about a woman investigating the disappearance of her Amish mother

Great summer read. Mystery and romance, what more could you ask for?

A real twist on the Amish suspense stories. Very entertaining.

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