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Valley Of Silence (2006)

Valley of Silence (2006)

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3.13 of 5 Votes: 3
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0786286806 (ISBN13: 9780786286805)

About book Valley Of Silence (2006)

SYNOPSIS: In the kingdom of Geall, the scholarly Moira has taken up the sword of her people. Now, as queen, she must prepare her subjects for the greatest battle they will ever fight--against an enemy more vicious than any they have seen. For Lilith, the most powerful vampire in the world, has followed the circle of six through time to Geall.Moira also has a personal score to settle. Vampires killed her mother--and now, she is ready to exact her revenge. But there is one vampire to whom she would trust her soul...Cian was changed by Lilith centuries ago. But now, he stands with the circle. Without hesitation, he will kill others of his kind--and has earned the respect of sorcerer, witch, warrior and shape-shifter. But he wants more than respect from Moira--even though his desire for her makes him vulnerable. For how can a man with an eternity to live love a woman whose life is sure to end--if not by Lilith's hand, then by the curse of time?I AM SAD TO SAY GODDBYE SOME OF MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS EVER!!!!!Valley of Silence is the 3rd and last book in Nora Roberts’ Circle Trilogy and the one I loved most.Continuing the story from Dance of the Gods , which began with Morrison’s Cross , the Circle of Six, are in the second month of training and getting ready for the final battle against Lillith.This book centers on Moira, the Queen of Geall and Cian, vampire and brother of Hoyt, the sorcerer. They have been my favorite characters since meeting them in the 1st book. They have always been more complex than the other four and and the feeling for each other are so intense and so incredible and at times fell pain in my heart for them and the deep and true love they have for one another. Cian’s inner struggle between the good and evil inside him is so heartbreaking….and seeing Moira’s touching acceptance of her love for him really affected me. Her strength, courage, compassion and understanding and finally having to accept Cian’s decision is so admirable. The final battle climaxes in Valley of Silence, the dark place that has been a scene of much evil and wickedness and it is here and now where we will find out if good will triumphs over evil. The action is more fast-paced than the other books…..more suspense, grittier, darker - flying dragons, fire bombs, battles, deaths, frightening vampires, blood flowing into the dark ground. The scene where Moira talks to her soldiers before the final battle is dramatic and incredibly moving.The ending, which is unexpected and totally incredible and amazing, made me so excited seeing Cian and Moira finally having their HEA…..and what an joyous one it is!!!!Nora Roberts has created a magical and exceptional paranormal fantasy world of fairies, vampires, witches, time travelling, shape-shifters, time travelling and made it real, so believable to me. I love reading this series over and over again.

Vou ser sincera: não li nenhum outro livro desta trilogia, aliás só fiquei a saber que este livro pertencia a uma trilogia quando o livro chegou e eu fui ver as informações do livro. Já perdi um pouco o gosto por livros do género fantástico, acho que me cansei deles por isso li este livro com um bocado de custo e sem a máxima atenção que costumo dar aos livros que gosto.Não estou de maneira nenhuma a dizer que o livro é mau ou bom, estou a dizer que secalhar a minha disposição para o fantástico neste momento não é o melhor. Não estava à espera que assim fosse mas foi.Já tinha lido dois livros da Nora Roberts (“A Villa” e “O Recife”) e gostei muito de ambos, Nora Roberts escreveu bem ambos. Aqui o mesmo se verificou, Nora escreve muito bem e esse mérito ninguém lhe pode tirar. A batalha que descreve não foi de modo algum entediante e , ao contrário do que acontece com muitos autores, não se percebeu na descrição de pormenores ou do espaço. O vocabulário é super acessível e a história de romance é linda. Apaixonei-me por Cian logo no inicio e percebi logo que Moira se ia revelar uma corajosa e guerreira rainha. Gostei muito da história contudo, e como apaixonada por mitologia que sou, acho que Nora Roberts podia ter-se esforçado um pouco mais por contar as histórias das figuras da mitologia grega que foram aparecendo ao longo da obra, falou delas mas muito superficialmente.Apesar da minha pouca disposição foi uma leitura boa (e tal prova-se com o tempo que demorei a ler: 2 dias), não é chata e é um livro pequeno que conta tudo muito bem, mostrando mais uma vez a fantástica escritora que Nora Roberts é! É claro que não vou perder a oportunidade de ler os outros dois livros desta trilogia para me entender ainda mais no meio desta história (faço ao contrário dos outros, só para ser um bocadinho diferente :b).

Do You like book Valley Of Silence (2006)?

"It’s a man who stands before you. It’s a man who loves you. It’s a man who asks if you’ll share the life he’s been given, if you’ll live it with him. If you’ll take me as I am, and make a life with me. Geall will be my world, as you’re my world. It will be my heart, as you’re my heart. If you’ll have me." - Cian MacCionaoithWhy are there only 5 stars? Huh? Answer me this, if you please! Stories like this, books and series like this, a great talent with words and images like this deserve more th
—Lydia Perversius

I can say only that this is my favorite book from the trilogy. It wasn't about Cian... Well maybe and because of him. But this one was filled with tension on every page. Preparing for the battle, everything... My favorite part is with the dragons. Nora describe them so good and beautiful that even my breath stopped while I was reading this. This trilogy is amazing, not only because Nora is great author, simply because is so different from her style and in same time she crossed magic, love and battles on one really strong and impressive way. She managed to show real vampire nature, craving for death and blood even with Cian, she showed his real face. My admirations for Nora Roberts for creating such a book and is shame pearl like this to be unnoticed and people to going mad after crap like Twilight.
—Ralitsa Koleva

Omg, I extremely loved this book. I literally couldn't put it down and read it in one day. I have so much to say that I don't know from were to start. Firts of all I loved the way Nora dedicates one book for each couple but how they still grow and get stronger in the next one. Some would say It was predictable, but hell with them. I' m incredibly pleased when I find out that what Ii expecting came true and that my poor heart can rest of the agony of thinking it might be otherwise. I have to admit that the Lilith's parts were a little dull for me except for the one when Cian gets into her dreams. And really that bitch really drove me crazy with her changes of mood and insanity. The well expected battle happend as anyone would expect it to be. A little of fuss here, some blood there, death and screams everywhere. The ending of it, though, was a surprise with that final spell and with who died and who didn't.I think Cian and Moira were the best part of the book. In the begining of the book I couldn't really see how they would work as Glenna and Hoylt or Blair and Laikin had. The way they simply were perfect for each other. It seemed like this last two were too different to be together. But as the book went on I started to understand the way they fitted together as well as the others. And I would be lying if I say I didn't envy them for that; for just being meant for another person... Well, to sum up ur crazy if you don't like this book after the other two. From my side, I can say it's one of my favorites and that I'm aeger for reading ot again. Five stars!!!!ps: Again sorry for grammar, spanglish or misspelling, my writting skills in english are dusty.
—Ella Alden

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