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Until The End Of Time: A Novel (2013)

Until the End of Time: A Novel (2013)

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1423388674 (ISBN13: 9781423388678)
Brilliance Audio

About book Until The End Of Time: A Novel (2013)

I'm a reader who turns to Danielle Steel while waiting for an e-book to become available. Although her books are easy to read, her characters have depth and she has a wonderful and skillful way of describing not only the characters but their emotions, which always tugs at my heart. When I finished the story, or thought I had, it had a nice romantic ending. Then I started what I thought was a second story, but not too far into the second story I realized it was a continuation of the first - only a different setting and different characters, but the same heart-felt story of two people who meet under unusual circumstances, who came from different backgrounds, who bond, and who have families that totally don't understand how people of different upbringing could have anything to do with one another. A little bit like real life, yes. Until the End of Time is by Danielle Steel. It is a romance like none other. Danielle manages to take two couples from two different decades and areas and combine their stories in a unique way. One definitely has to have tissues at hand while reading this book. It is easy to read and makes summer reading delightful. Jenny Arden is the daughter of a seamstress and granddaughter of a premiere in the ateliers of Paris. Jenny does not take after her grandmother in being able to design wonderful dresses nor can she sew them like her mother can. Jenny is a stylist in the fashion world. She is a consultant who works with designers and helps them fine tune their clothes and helps them put on their fashion shows. Jenny is very good at what she does and she spends many 18 hour days helping her clients. Bill Sweet is a lawyer working in his family’s law firm with his father and two brothers. He has always felt and thought differently than his family. He is not really happy as a lawyer. He decides to take a theology course at the nearby college and after that decides to become a minister much to the dismay of his family. Only his middle brother Tom seems to even question his decisions as being logical for him. His parents and oldest brother Peter simply think he has lost his mind. Jenny and Bill get together and marry. He is finally able to get a ministerial job in Wyoming. Can he accept? What about Jenny’s career? Can he ask her to give her career up to follow him? Will she be able to adapt to Wyoming? Lillibet Petersen is an Amish young lady. She has been taking care of her father and brothers since her mother died. She is happy to do so and has no desire to get married and do it all over again. She has a secret which may cause problems. She has written a novel and wants to get it published. What will happen with her father and the other Amish leaders? Robert Bellagio owns his own publishing company and is looking for a book that will take his company into the big times. He picks a book off his agent’s slush pile. The slush pile is a pile of manuscripts send by the author without an agent and that usually go unread until they are sent back with a rejection letter. He picks this book because it is wrapped in a piece of fabric which calls attention to it. The book is in twelve notebooks and is entirely hand written. He decides to read it and is enthralled and wants to publish it. If Lillibet agrees to have the book published, she is risking the wrath of her father and possible shunning. If she doesn’t have it published, she will be going against her own wishes and dreams. She goes to New York against her father’s wishes and has a wonderful time with Robert when she isn’t working on editing her book. She knows nothing can come of this friendship as she can’t marry out of the Amish. What she wants and her beliefs are at war. What will she decide? What will her Father do?

Do You like book Until The End Of Time: A Novel (2013)?

Not too bad of a book. I have read a few of this authors books so far. Well written books.

Very good love story until the end of time kind of love .Read it beautiful story.

good but not what i expected

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