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Unquiet Slumber (2012)

Unquiet Slumber (2012)

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4.13 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book Unquiet Slumber (2012)

Love this storyline and the setup. Wish Miller would write with a little more flow and passion...the "right to the point" approach leaves a bit to be desired. It reads almost like the bones of a novel that are waiting for their rewrite/edit. Which is a bit distracting.I probably would have given this a 2/2.5 based on the writing...BUT despite it I'm hooked on the story. Can't wait to see what happens next for Tianna. While the world Miller creates has the potential to be intriguing, her book is poorly written and edited. The story is rushed in places, leaving out the opportunity for her to enrich the fantasy she is trying to pull her readers into. Her characters are cliched at best; Tianna in particular falls victim to the 'strong female character that can do everything' trap that so many authors fall into.Overall, the novel reads more like a piece of internet fanfiction than a published book.

Do You like book Unquiet Slumber (2012)?

Not my usual book. But found myself wrapped up into it. Going to read book 2 next.

Really great book! Can't wait to read the next one!

Amazing couldn't put it down!!!!!!!!

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