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Un/Common Ground (2000)

Un/Common Ground (2000)

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3.66 of 5 Votes: 4
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About book Un/Common Ground (2000)

No real plot to this one. Just guy meets guys, guy asks guy out, and they're a couple. It's very repetitive. 65 pages long, and the same conversation about the weather is repeated at least five times, if not more. Jamal has the greenest, most beautiful and exotic green eyes ever. This is repeated several times also. There is some attempt to be original - interracial, sort of; commentary on social injustice, but that sort of goes nowhere. I ended up skimming. A well researched story about a guy trying to be himself despite pressure from his family to 'find a nice girl to marry'.I thought this was a really well written story with a good plot, but it really ended to soon. It's not that short as it is, but I think we really needed to see more of Matt and Jamal together to be convinced there was a HEA in their future. I'm really torn between 3 and 4 stars here... but went for 4 in the end because the writing was excellent.

Do You like book Un/Common Ground (2000)?

3.5* rounded up. Very nice study of characters.

Please author, may I have some more?

Interesting premise. Well done.

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