The story came off as a fun romantic comedy in the beginning, started to veer towards mysterious and serious when the unlikely couple Abigail and Wallingford acknowledges their love for one another and went all meta and spiritual towards the end. Whaaaat? It's like drinking a shot of espresso and having the caffeine buzz wear off suddenly. But still, i may be biased here but i find the love story between the two rounds off the whole series quite well. Wallingford who came across as a typical arrogant blundering duke before this comes to his own in the end. Abigail who comes across as a hippy-type gets all mushy. What happened? Love happened. Along the way, you find out more about the mystery surrounding the 6's unusual circumstances, the people behind it, some weird back story and you still get your HEA at the end of it. However the supernatural part becomes a bit overwhelming and confusing in the end. I didn't really like the ending. It's just not enough after all the roller-coaster ride of laughter, confusion, frustration and spookiness. BUT, it is a good closure to the 6 characters' story of love and redemption. This might be my favorite of this trilogy. Abigail's character is just so out there considering the period she lives in. She's an extremely personable heroine, and her scandalous pursuit of Wallingford was definitely amusing. Wallingford's character had his brilliant moments, as well. However, my affection for him was really driven by Abigail. I don't think he would have made a strong enough character on his own.Overall, this book was enjoyable, but it didn't have any of those Oh-my-God scenes where I was dying or laughing or crying or really experiencing the story on a visceral level. The writing itself was smooth, popping and cracking in all the right places. And, there were some general surprises within the plot. For example, Abigail's boathouse scene with Wallingford; you think it will go one way, but no--it doesn't. The reason this story only got three stars, as opposed to four, is because I didn't really appreciate the supernatural story arc, what with the ghosts and the centuries old curse that must be broken. I thought the story would have been much better off without this. I'm quite sure the author could have found another way to bring the protagonists together without involving the afterlife. At least, in my opinion.
Do You like book Un Duque Nunca Se Rinde (2014)?
This was not worth my time. It really really wasn't. The first book, in my opinion, is the best.
3.7 I checked this out at library. Turned out I had already read it and forgot to record it
What an interesting mix of historical romance and supernatural! Unexpected and amusing
I had fairly high hopes for this book and it just did not live up to them at all.