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Tyrannosaurs Wrecks (2000)

Tyrannosaurs Wrecks (2000)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book Tyrannosaurs Wrecks (2000)

Very fun book. I wish I'd written it. Long ago I made up a joke for my kids about dinosaurs: Q: Why don't dinosaurs drive cars? A: Because Tyrannosaurus wrecks! Well the tyrannosaurus in this story has a difficult time creating and playing in his preschool classroom. His kind and friendly classmates give him a chance for success. This is a fun picture book that young dinosaur lovers will especially enjoy. Age: Infant-preschoolEmotions: Messiness, destructionGreat rhyming meter full of dino vocab. While all the other dinosaurs are enjoying craft time or play time, Tyrannosaurs plows in and enjoys wrecking time. But the other dinosaurs get upset and Tyrannosaurus is left lonely and sad. All on his own, he figures out how to fix his destructive manner by repairing his mistakes and tidying up what he destroyed. This book will serve as a great way to discuss that making a mess of other people's hard work is not very nice.

Do You like book Tyrannosaurs Wrecks (2000)?

This was very similar to Bob Shea's "Dinosaur vs." books.

Not my favorite, but I think kids will like it.

Cute, fun for a dino storytime?

very clever

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