Pretend you're completely lucid. Your family has been broken, you love someone who doesn't love you and you're a policeman on a serial killer case. Now, add a ghostly boy who shows up and, "boom": you're now in a dream. Or are you still in reality? The juxtaposition of real and nightmare are mixed like a cake batter in this nail-biter. It's difficult to reveal too much, so take the trip (but don't read it in the dark!!) Thanks Mr. Bennington, for another chewed-up set of finger nails! LOL!! ***I usually don't give spoilers to books that I read but I am giving one to this book. If you are wanting to read this book then don't read this review because it will give away the ending.****************You start out following a detective who has been investigating these murders where there is no evidence and no way that a human could have killed them because how each of them was killed. He starts to see a boy that through most of the book I assumed was a ghost because how he acts and some of the things that he does through out the book. He slowly starts to put the pieces together but I never saw the ending coming. I fell in love with this book and the ending made me sad. I wanted the detective to end up with everything that he work for through out the book. It broke my heart that the little boy died and so did the lady that he fell in love with. I usually think books are good but the endings don't usually affect me but this time they did. I am still sad knowing how it all ended.I do recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a good Thriller.
Do You like book Twisted Vengence (2000)?
Supernatural Thriller was very good. Mystery... Deep....Dark just up my alley.