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Twisted Arrangement 3 (2013)

Twisted Arrangement 3 (2013)

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Aryla Publishing

About book Twisted Arrangement 3 (2013)

Emma and Josh are planning their wedding and they get married in this book. The story moves right along. I just wish this could have been one book instead of 4 short stories. I hate that by the time I finished all the short stories I spent about $10.00! That is such a rip off and because of that I knocked it down a star. It ticks me off. So although I really enjoyed this story, I will most likely not be reading more from this author if all of her stories are like this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FAVORITE QUOTE"[...] Why are you marrying Josh?""Because I can't not marry him. Why are you the black sheep if you went to Stanford?" This rapidfire exchange was actually kind of fun. And she hadn't lied. Suzanne swigged the champagne again."I'm a Republican. What do you think of Josh's job."~Suzanne and Emma~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Josh bent his head until his mouth hovered a breath away from her moist, parted lips."Well?" she whispered. "Are you going to kiss the bride?" Her lashes fluttered as she met his eyes, their locked gazes intense."I figured you were going to steal it before I could."~Emma and Josh I'm a mom to a running, nap hating 18 month old boy. Last night I stayed up until 5am to finish a book I hated. Yes, I know that was completely insane and I assure you I paid dearly for it. Now I'm working on a few hours of sleep and I'm up doing this again. Why? Because I couldn't wait. I had to read every word and compaired to last night it was such a wonderful difference. I love Ms. Early's glib and wit that expresses itself in her characters. I'm not going to spoil anything, but say this... If the first two books were foreplay, this was an atomic blast kinda of climax and the series ain't over yet. I hope in all honesty that she keeps writing, and that this does become a series of books. These are the kind of books I love to get lost in when I have a free minute, that's if my sweet boy ever gives me a minute lol. Thankfully his dad knows my love of reading and handles bedtime. Anyway, you have to read this, they keep getting better and better. Go second book being about Ben and Crissy!! ;) even spelled right lol.

Do You like book Twisted Arrangement 3 (2013)?

Book 3 did not disappoint! Another great read! Can't wait for book 4!

I loved these books,but they where way too short........i want more

OMG! Is all I can say! Mora Mora Mora

Where is the next one!!! AHHHHH!!!!

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