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Twist Of Fate (2014)

Twist Of Fate (2014)

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4.08 of 5 Votes: 5
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Jaime Whitley

About book Twist Of Fate (2014)

3.5 starsI like the story... a lot.. but I found myself skipping a few times, coz I wanted to read the good and exciting part. I love stories like this, complicated relationship, etc.I like the characters and the story. I kind of didn't like how good and understanding she is towards his ex, though it would have been better if the ex was a bitch and I would have loved it more if it was prolonged. I received a review copy from the author as a gift. This is an awesome love story. Fate has a great way of making things happen even when you don't expect the twists and turns it throws. Lilly and Silas meet in the airport and end up having a one night stand. They never shared last names, where they lived, nothing other than first names and bodily fluids. Ha! So when they happened to meet up again by chance at her book signing it turned their worlds upside down. He was dating someone else and Lilly had a life of her own. Several trials, twists, and mistakes later these two are facing a crossroads imposed by Lilly. I like how she's trying to save herself from severe heartache. But that can't happen for soul mates. When you love that completely there's no way one can live without the other and be completely happy. Great characters and sweet sweet love story. I lives that the author included her other published works as well as others in this story. You should check this one out if you're looking for an awesome love story.

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