I'm rating this book higher than the first because majority of my questions were answered. Tarin is truly a wonderful character. I loved his growth and maturity. Loved his loyalty. There were so many good things in this story. The camaraderie among the "wood boys." The story was so interesting. I hated Jadon with a passion and was making myself sick thinking of what could happen to Aran. I'm happy how it all played out. I was iffy on Tarin from the first book-mostly because in spite of him being an adult, he often just seemed rather childlike.However, the world building made me want to read this second book, because I found it fascinating.I liked the world in this one, and still though Tarin sounded rather childlike, but this time around his decisions and choices indicated some adult thinking even if he didnt fully understand the world he lived in.This book really scratched at the surface of just how cruel this men's world could be. There is a lot of legalism, and not much room for mercy and this bothered me although in a dystopian world where survival is important, maybe there isn't much room for mercy.This book ended leaving me with a lot of questions still about the world and the various characters within it, and hoping for more for no other reason than I hope the men are able to work out some balance between community protection and cruelty in the name of protecting the community.
Do You like book Twice-Caught (2011)?
I liked it. Women control everything and men are scared of them. Lol