W-O-W!!!!! If I could give this 6 stars I surely would. A lengthy, tightly-woven and complex tale, but, nevertheless, one which only took me 4 days to read [fast for me!]. A real page-turner. An astonishingly engaging and absorbing story, skillfully told, in a raw and unapologetic style. Simply, F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C! Amazing, too, that this is the Author's debut novel. I can only pray that this introductory Commissario (Captain) Balistreri mystery will not be Roberto Constantini's last. I congratulate you Sir! It's rare I give up on a book - especially one that started out so well. Constantini seems to lose his way in the middle of the book, with a proliferation of characters and a shift in POV from first person (which worked well) to third (which doesn't) for his most interesting main character. Once I found I really did not care what happened or who had done what I concluded it was the author rather than me and moved on to a brilliant tale about the Borgias. The contrast in writing quality was immediately apparent.
Do You like book Tu Sei Il Male (2011)?
Improbable murder mystery/political thriller, but complex and attention-holding. Enjoyed it.
As beautiful and immersive as life itself. Best novel I have read in years.
So pumped that I won this book for free! will update upon completion.
Piacevole lettura, non vedo l'ora di leggere gli altri due libri.