About book Truth Vs. Falsehood: How To Tell The Difference (2005)
I'm fascinated with his idea, results and discussion. But it's hard to accept without doing it myself and reproducing the results. I haven't done that yet. And yes, I'm familiar with what he says about those who calibrate below 200 not being able to do it, the thymic thump, etc. So maybe I'm already unqualified.Even after reading three of his books on the subject, it's still sometimes hard for me to understand how to know what conclusion to draw from the quantitative assessment. For example:--Why does arithmetic calibrate less than 400, the level of reason? (arithmetic calibrates at 395, pg. 255)--Pg 296 "The concepts and wisdom of triage and pre-emptive war are not comprehensible to minds that calibrate below 360." Does this square with "the motivation of Mahatma Gandhi (calibrated at 700)…" (Power vs. Force, pg 73)? Or "Violence is force, but since Gandhi was aligned with power instead of force, he forbade all use of violence in his cause" (Power vs Force, pg 152).--The poem Invictus calibrates at less than 200 (I lost the page number), but Hawkins writes on page 229 that "Unlike an iron filing that has no say as to where it will be pulled within a magnetic field, the human spirit is gifted with the option of choice, and by its own hand (spiritual will) determines its fate." Isn't that contradictory?The chapters on religion and spirituality leave behind a lot of dead sacred cows.A couple cool excerpts:pg 166A quick glance at the total capital worth of the federal government reveals that the hypothetical "national debt" is a misnomer and a misleading statistic. The wealth of the government is currently (by calibration) $9 quadrillion inasmuch as it owns multimillions of acres of extremely valuable land, including oil potential, timber, mining, etc. In addition, its capital assets, if one considers all the ownerships -- the property of the military, all the government buildings, highways, warehouses, and rights-of-way -- are prodigious. the concept of a national debt is comparable to a multimillionaire who uses a small portion of his wealth to buy a new company with a fifty-percent down payment, with the balance to be paid in a scheduled basis. He now reports that he is "in debt" because he has payments to make on the balance of his loan. Such a millionaire cannot really be said to be '"in debt" at all but arbitrarily behind in payments, which he could easily pay off completely by selling assets.Spending money faster than it is coming in, e.g., "budget deficit" (Greenspan, 2004) is not the same as being in debt. In real debt, a person owns more than their assets are worth and therefore has a negative net worth, which could hardly be said of the federal government.pg 405 - 406When mankind, in frustration or disillusionment, moved from faith in the unseen to faith in the linear world of science, new hope arose, reinforced by the very tangible and visible benefits of trust and faith in the linear, external world of ego perception. But then, the very same process resulted in giving priority and power to the content of consciousness rather than to the unseen power of consciousness itself, by which content could be realized and recognized. The power was in the Light and not in the details of what was illuminated. The linear is also limitation and thus prone to error by virtue of the intrinsic defect of misidentifying perception as reality.pg 406Next came the question of existence as life or its corollary, life versus existence, which brought forth knowledge of Divinity/Creator/God as transcendent (conceptual) or Divinity as experiential and Immanent. Transcendent is religion, experiential is spiritual. The way of the mystic transcends belief and confirms its underlying Reality. It eliminates all doubt as the Knower and the Known coalesce as Self.
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