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Truth In Comedy: The Manual For Improvisation (1994)

Truth in Comedy: The Manual for Improvisation (1994)

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3.97 of 5 Votes: 5
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1566080037 (ISBN13: 9781566080033)
meriwether publishing

About book Truth In Comedy: The Manual For Improvisation (1994)

Overall, i'm disappointed. Whereas the tone of Improv Handbook turned me off, at least it was instructive, well organized, and carefully written and, most important of all, i felt like i was constantly learning. Truth in Comedy felt mostly like listening to Halpern et al subliminally expressing, "This is what's so great about us."Some of my (& America's) favorite comedic performers came from/through their Chicago school of improv and many of those performers praise Halpern and Close as brilliant teachers. So i will not claim they are bad teachers, but i also can't say that TiC contained much help, advice, or useful info for this particular improv newbie (see Bottom Line).So! ... onward to Spolin's Improv for Theatre and/or Johnstone's Impro Improvisation and the Theatre, after which i should quit reading about this subject for (quite?) a while in favor of observation and practice.Hmmm ... observation. I'm glad i typed that word because it's the seed of my main point of TiC criticism. Halpern et al repeatedly transcribe scenes they've been in or watched/directed and then they give hows and whys related to success and failure. As the primary form of instruction throughout TiC, they seem to believe that learning comes from experience. I propose that writing a book about experience can only fall short of actual experience. For instance, an athlete can learn from reading an instructional book about soccer, but watching a game carefully alongside a coach while discussing the finer points is clearly an immeasurably better learning tool. Perhaps the genius of Halpern and Close as teachers should've remained exclusively in their workshops until such time as a student capable of sharing their wisdom in written form evolved.The depth of analysis in Salinksy & Frances-White's Handbook makes it something of an "Anatomy of Improv." They understand the living organism of improvisation in the way a good doctor understands the human body. Halpern et al stick with a macro-(over)view that concentrates their ideas (ideals) on broad connections. So maybe they understand and represent improvisation in the way an inexperienced sociologist speaks of interactions between societies?Bottom line: TiC was not my jam.

A great intro to Harold and improv in general with some useful exercises, including helpful example scenes. I appreciate the simplicity of the idea that "the truth is funny", and that all we need to do is get out of the way to find it.One of my favorite quotes from the book: "There are a few squares in our society that think kung fu is about kicking people's heads in...Coming here to learn to make people laugh is equally absurd. To assume that making the audience laugh is the goal of improvisation is almost as absurd as assuming you go to a dojo to learn to kick somebody's face in. It's just not true!"Still, they laugh. It is a side-effect of attempting to achieve something more beautiful, honest, and truthful, something that has far more to do with the theatre--which puts your attention on what is important about being a human in a community..."I also had no idea how many of my favorite comic actors had passed through Del Close's training. For example, former students at Second City include: Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Mike Myers, Chris Farley, Tim Meadows, Stephen Colbert, Amy Sedaris, Kevin McDonald. It is pretty incredible that one person could have such a large influence on modern comedy, yet still be relatively unknown to mainstream consumers of popular culture. Perhaps encouraging, even...

Do You like book Truth In Comedy: The Manual For Improvisation (1994)?

I didn't know much about improv but that is only part of the reason I read this book. In reading this book, I thought I might find some methods for improving communication in general. I found this to be true! It gave me a new perspective at understanding why some things are funny and in turn gave me some ideas on how to modify my own conversations to build better communication and integrate humor. There are simple building blocks for building conversations such as the 'Yes and...', not asking questions and tying in something that happened in the conversation 10 minutes ago. Also, being careful about being too 'jokey' -- I have a corny sense of humor so sometimes my 'jokes' come off as a little too canned and lame. With this book it has given me a few clues and guidance on how to use improv in my daily life.Maybe only 50% of the book really addressed the ideas I was most interested in. It's light on detail but it's honestly give me a lot to work with.

This seems like a good introduction to the concept of improv.I'm outside the general improv community. My personal feeling is that a lot of times people kind of try too hard to "sell" improv as a legitimate art form (which I think it is). I can understand why that is, but I think it does often distract a little from the more practical material in this book, and even just in casual conversations with people.I've read other reviews that say there's just too darn much name-dropping in the book. I can't disagree with that. I also found it irritating that it leans so heavily on the concept of "the Harold." Clearly most of the techniques described in the book are useful for all manner of improv situations. I think both of these pitfalls stem from the authors' desire to honor their (fairly) recently (at time of their writing) deceased colleague.But if you go into this book with eyes open on those fronts, you will get a very workable introduction to the basic premise, and a lot of the techniques, of the craft.

This is a good refresher/re-awakener for improvisers of all experience levels, and it's also extremely helpful for a lesson that kind of goes missing a lot of times in rehearsals, practices, classes, and the like -- the why?. Sometimes a game or exercise seems so abstracted from the main principle that it's difficult to get to the lesson. So it's helpful to get to see the forest through the trees and vice versa. It clarifies and reveals some components of what still is, thankfully, the blessed mystery of improvisation.That being said, it is no substitute for a class, because reading this, I nod my head in agreement, I feel implicated, I take notes, and I recall things that come up in rehearsals and practices galore. But reading it only makes me think I can wrap my mind around improv in theory. Practice, though, is a whole other thing. That's the only way to learn, really, is to keep doing it. Don't come away from this thinking it'll cause improvement so much as reinforce (some) groundwork, presuming the groundwork is there. I'll suck just about as much next rehearsal as I did beforehand, and perhaps pray that some of this will stick as applied knowledge, not just acquired knowledge, which almost never happens.Outside of that, it's a mercifully quick read that also reads like a psychotic religious pamphlet. Lots of exclamation points and over-excited asides about the laws of psychics and spiritual interconnectedness. That on top of the name-dropping can get sort of irritating. The hagiographic attitude it takes toward Mike Myers and Chris Farley was quite a surprise as well.

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