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True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real (2009)

True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real (2009)

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3.39 of 5 Votes: 5
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0425226042 (ISBN13: 9780425226049)
Berkley Trade

About book True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real (2009)

a friend of mine recommended this to me and let me borrow it as I prepared for the arrival of our first baby. it was a quick read, finished it in about an hour. while amusing at times, I didn't get much out of it. in fact, it left me more discouraged and sad that so many of these women seem to resent their kids and have such negative views on their relationships with their husbands after years of parenting. granted I am not yet a parent - but will be any day - maybe I just can't relate yet... but I honestly cannot imagine having some of the thoughts these women have and hope that having a family is a much more rewarding experience! I look forward to it! I was cracking up over this book. There are things I've done as a mother that I think afterward, "oh, what would DCFS say about that!" Not seriously, of course. But this book had a ton of funny stories about things that other moms have done that would also warrant a visit from the authorities. Some of them are sad, but most of them are pretty hilarious and I can see some of myself in there. I read it in about 45 minutes.

Do You like book True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real (2009)?

Fantastic, quick read! Some of the blurbs are funny, others shocking, but all are worth reading.

The book was not as entertaining as I thought it might be.

This is so going to be my next book club pick.

So far this book is very funny and realistic

Awesome stories. Some sad, but true...

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