Well, this girl seemed to have a problem with everything, and you know what? She ended up just wearing Carhartts, which I guess ARE pretty comfy. But still, she said NO to some pretty nice clothes. I guess I'm like that sometimes, and Mama says all girls are like that, that it takes us a long time to get dressed. And she usually just wears Carhartts too, so who knows?It was a baby book [board book] but some of those are pretty good. Simple, silly, light-hearted, cute, and funny. With a bit of truth for me, too. There are a few levels at which I connect to this book--each one absolutely hilarious to me. I especially connect with the last page. I smile at the appropriateness and nail-on-the-head that some of it is. But the absolute best part is as my co-worker put it: "Bob makes a guest appearance."8/10/10 I thought I would try this in a toddler time. It wasn't too bad. Some were involved. 8/12/10 This worked much better. I had mothers/care-givers who were much more involved with their children and interacting with me. And this time I had the idea to have them look for the turtle.
Do You like book Too Purply!. Jean Reidy (2010)?
A good picture book with a picky toddler picking out clothes. A fun family read.
This is so my three year old! Her clothes are always "Too something..." Love it!
Good book for a little girl. My three-year-old loves to"read" this book to me.