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To Mormons, With Love (2011)

To Mormons, With Love (2011)

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3.5 of 5 Votes: 2
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1605740012 (ISBN13: 9781605740010)
American Fork Arts Council Press

About book To Mormons, With Love (2011)

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I really appreciated this view on what it's like for someone who is not a member of my church to move into an area that is pretty much all Mormons. I thought the author did a great job in describing her feelings in a real, yet humorous way. I love how comfortable she is with her situation and how gracefully she handles her neighbors and life.Content: a couple of mild expletives; no violence; no romance; a lot of religious talk, but nothing at all preachy. As a recent arrival to Utah, and a non-LDS member, I found this book interesting. I liked that it was short and sweet and non-offensive. Much of what Chrisy talked about I have learned over the past year...other information was more informative (non-LDS boy scouts???).I think it is a good reminder that though there is an unexpected culture shock when moving to this area (never experienced it before this move), people here have big hearts and are overall welcoming and accepting.

Do You like book To Mormons, With Love (2011)?

Loved her fun humor and the glimpse of what it's like to live as a non-Mormon in Mormon country.

Quick read, I enjoyed reading about her views as a non-mormon in Happy Valley Utah.

Cute book. Fun to read from a non-member's perspective living in Utah.

Interesting perspective.

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