This was not a comfortable book to read and I am not sure how to rate and comment about it (and I keep changing how many stars I would give as a rating...3 1/2?). The story is becomes clear that there is someone who is murdered, but the reader discovers the details about the end as the main characters relate their versions of the past. It is difficult to like either of the main characters. Nora is a weak, doormat-type person and Timothy is a scum-bag is hard to have sympathy for either of them, although that changes near the end, after you figure out who dies and how. How the story unfolds (with the changing point of view) keeps the reader interested... Wow ... this book was really hard to rate. I'm pretty sure I would never read it again ... however, it was one of those that kept the pages turning and was impossible to put down. It had so many things in it to make me hate it ... first, a wimpy "heroine" that wouldn't stand up to those who were completely using her ... blatant infidelity by the "hero" ... and a very improbable romance. However ... there were a number of things to make me love it as well ... the heroine finally standing up to her mom ... the hero finallly realizing who he loved ... a surprise murder that completely changed the tone of the book ... and then of course the "who done it?" which surprisingly, was only the last few chapters. And while it didn't end with the fairy tale ending, it did take a horrible ending, and put some hope back into it, to make it a pleasant, but realistic, ending. I would have to say I'd recommend this book ... although it didn't have any fantastic literary value, it was a very enjoyable read.
Do You like book Through The Heart (2009)?
A quick page-turning read. Satisfying in some ways but in others not.
very quick read and surprising ending.