About book Thrifty: Living The Frugal Life With Style (2009)
This should have be called, "How to be a Hipster". The tips are pretty basic, nothing most people with common sense wouldn't already know. But if you're used to having a nice flow of cash and/or credit, you might learn a few things.If you're trying to manage expenses for a young family or are already a veteran thrifter, you won't learn anything new. Some of the advice is a little questionable - yes, learning to sew is useful, but what Harris fails to mention is that it's also a very expensive hobby(in both time and money) unless you're familiar with when sewing makes sense over buying something ready-made. It's a hobby that has a million-and-one accessories and ways to spend your cash, so I highly recommend not buying anything bigger than a mending kit from Target unless you have someone in your circles who is experienced and can show you what is essential and what types of fabric are worth the money. Knitting, of course, is right out - knitting your own socks for anything other than sheer enjoyment is a waste of time and money. And food - wine and lobster and artisan organic produce is great, but quite honestly out of the reach of many families. This book is more about living better with what you have and moving away from the mentality of buying throwaway goods (like the sweaters and tops of a certain alliterate fixture of Canadian shopping malls). If you get a buzz out of being clever with leftovers you don't absolutely have to eat and getting deals on designer items your friends paid full price for, this is your book. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you're looking for an book filled with amazing secrets on how to double-coupon your way to an apocalypse storehouse full of dry goods, this isn't your book. Harris and her pretentious friends clearly lead privileged lives. Their sense of thrift is far from my own. There is nothing new on offer in this book, unless you don't know what to do with leftover lobster. (I'm not kidding, see page 57.) Throughout the book Harris includes tips from her friends, all of whom are of the same generation and socio-economic strata. Former GG, Adrienne Clarkson, notes that knitting your own socks is a thrifty activity. Has she bought yarn in recent years? It's a fun hobby, but far from thrifty, particularly when you can buy socks at so cheaply at any big box store. Even the chapter on gardening, Harris' area of expertise, lacks insight.The first step towards true frugality is not buying this book.
Do You like book Thrifty: Living The Frugal Life With Style (2009)?
Nothing much new here although I enjoyed the quote from Margaret Atwood and others.
This was the least thrifty book on thrift I have ever read.
This book has been done so many times. Nothing new here.
Many great tips! I loved the gardening suggestions.