Do You like book Three Women Of Liverpool (2011)?
Wonderful book - couldn't put it down.Back Cover Blurb:Liverpool, May 1941. The worst week of the Blitz. An extraordinary story of three brave women, each trying in her own way to deal with the brutal tide of destruction bought on by the air raids of the Second World War. There is Ellen - whose home is destroyed by bombs; Gwen, whose family absorbs all her time and energy; and Emmie, whose only fears are for the safety of her merchant seaman fiance, far away in the South Atlantic. None of them are prepared for what would follow, when the air raid siren sounded for the first time on 1st May, 1941.
"This is the story of three women whose lives were changed when they went through the London Blitz.""Ellen and her family had already been bombed out and felt they were unlikely to suffer a second time. Gwen was busy housekeeping for her family. Emmie had just become engaged to a merchant seaman and thought only of the dangers of the Battle of the Atlantic. They had no idea what the air raid siren on May 1st 1941 would mean to them".This was a gripping story to me as the bombs that reined down on Liverpool killed and maimed many many people. I became attached to the three women and their families and was constantly worried about them and the children, husbands and lovers. But life goes on and each of these women changed over time, became stronger and more caring of each other. The bombs were specifically concentrated on Liverpool, as Hitler said, "so that the whole nation will feel the effect." Many times it had me on the edge of my seat. I have such admiration for the English during this war - stoic, brave, going about their business, helping each other - and figuratively giving the "salute" to Adolf!
A great wartime saga centering on three women and their lives as they battle through the Blitz in Liverpool.There is Emmie, recently an orphan after many years caring for her elderly and sick parent and who moves in with her brother and sister in law until she marries her fiance Robert.Ellen is the matriarch of an Irish family with a brood of rag tag kids around her heels every minute of the day.Gwen Emmie's cantankerous sister in law is a houseproud wife and mother who is fighting a losing battle against dirt and grime during the Blitz and who has her life turned upside down by the invasion of the Connelly kids.After the canteen where Emmie works is hit by a bomb blast she is virtually buried alive but can she be found in time before her luck runs out while Gwen is suffering guilt for her ill thoughts towards Emmie.Who will survive this war and how will their lives turn out?A relatively short novel but with a surprising amount of nailbiting action going on throughout this is a must for wartime drama fans.A wonderful read.