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Three Nights With A Rock Star (2000)

Three Nights with a Rock Star (2000)

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About book Three Nights With A Rock Star (2000)

hailey chloe lockeOk, this is your typical Sunday school teacher-goes to hunt down her-Baby-Sister's-Baby Daddy-because she is prego-when she returned from-touring with the band...oh wait.. not typical huh?? lol Well big sister to the rescue... she must infiltrate the band, and convince the lead singer Locke to help her...sooooo, how does she go about doing this?? by signing a contract and non-disclosure agreement with him to be his for the weekend... to do with her - as he wishes...well there's a deal for ya!! lolreally a fun read... yup.. hot too!!3.75 crowns from me Hailey finds out her sister is pregnant and takes it upon herself to find out who the father is. Assuming it's someone from the band her sister just worked for she sets out to investigate it. That's when she comes face to face with Lock the lead singer of the band. He tells her she can snoop around and ask any questions if she will be "His" for 3 nights. When she agrees she never imagined she would grow feelings for Lock.I thought this book was ok. The only complaint I have is I wish we got more of a background on Lock.*ARC provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for my honest review*

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I love a Dirty Rock God!!!!!

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