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This Magic Moment (Language Of Love #24) (1983)

This Magic Moment (Language of Love #24) (1983)

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0671474820 (ISBN13: 9780671474829)

About book This Magic Moment (Language Of Love #24) (1983)

Tipikal cerita harlequin: 30% cerita keseluruhan & 70% cerita "plusplis". Sebenarnya saya bukan pencinta seri harlequin, tp beberapa yg saya baca yaa ratenya kira2 kayak gini. Kisahnya sederhana banget, tp ditampilin dengan bahasa yg enak dibaca. Nah, karena ceritanya yg sangat sederhana, hampir ga ada konflik. Ada sih konflik, tp cenderung datar. Dan pastinya ketebaklah akhir cerita, happily ever after :D.Penggambaran karakter juga bagus dan ngerti sifat2nya. Tp, karena si tokohnya itu berprofesi sbg ilusionis, yg kebayang di kepala saya adl deddy corbuzier hahahaha. Secara beberapa ciri2nya sama, cuma botaknya aja ga disebutin hihihi.

udah punya lama tapi baru kesempatan baca sekarang. Bagus menurut aku. Cerita ttg Ryan, anak dari swan Production yang diutus untuk melakukan negosisasi kontrak dgn ilusionis, Pierce Atkins. Awal cerita dah dibangun dengan bagus banget sampe aku semangat membacanya. apalagi ternyata banyak "luka lama" yang dibawa masing2 tokoh dari masa kecil mereka sehingga membentuk kepribadian mereka setelah mereka dewasa, jadi makin penasaran apalagi dibumbui sama chemestri yang kuat banget antara Ryan dengan Pierce. Cuma yang mengecewakan akhirnya biasa banget, sebegitu gampangnya. Jadi cukup 4 bintang aja deh ^^

Do You like book This Magic Moment (Language Of Love #24) (1983)?

Just awful. I picked this up thinking it was another author apparently. It was shelved in the Mystery section of a used bookstore. It clearly should have been in the Vapid Breathless Romance section instead. I would have never finished it but it was on a car ride while bored. I could try to think of something positive to say about it but the only thing that comes to mind is that it does count as one of my fifty books to read this year and the foul taste of it lingers urging me to complete the next book more expediently.

A friend called the hero of this book a sort of proto-Roarke, and i have to say that I agree. Pierce is a mysterious magician who came from an extremely abusive and troubled childhood and has turned himself into a super-duper success.Ryan, the heroine, has grown up in the shadow of her powerful Hollywood-producer father, and has spent her whole life trying to prove to him that she can be a successful producer in her own right.How Ryan and Pierce come together and still manage to keep their own identities is the key to this great romance. An early example of Nora Roberts at her best.
—Heather Osborn

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