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This Is Ridiculous This Is Amazing (Sneak Preview): Parenthood In 71 Lists (2014)

This Is Ridiculous This Is Amazing (Sneak Preview): Parenthood in 71 Lists (2014)

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Chronicle Books LLC

About book This Is Ridiculous This Is Amazing (Sneak Preview): Parenthood In 71 Lists (2014)

This fun little book adds a nice humor to the pains of parenting. Anyone with little children running around will tell you that trying to understand the world of children can be a difficult challenge and if you try to figure it out on a literal sense, even the child will think you are crazy for thinking that. Whats funny is that when a parent says back what a child just says, it sounds weird and confusing and very unreal, but ask a child what they said and it is very real and true. "Dad, my pancakes this morning don't want me to eat them because they like being pancakes so I want to save them and put them in my room and call them 'Tom' and 'Larry.'"The lists that the author created in this book ring true for most occasions in a parent's life that let their kids be kids. I've always wondered how it happens but once you have kids it seems that everything in the house, especially the remote controls (and now any tablet device) becomes greasy and sticky out of the blue. Even if you were to try and figure out how it got sticky in the first place you won't be able to figure out the mystery.I did like the letter he wrote to his son about living his life and love. He made sure to include both sides (what to look for in a girl or what to look for in a guy) to his son's feelings incase he was either one of them. you can't assume anymore that you child will grow up the way you want them too, that's too selfish of yourself to think like that. As your child grows they develop their own feelings, their own thoughts, and even beliefs so remember to respect them or at least try to understand them.That was his humor in all of this book. You have to see the funny side of parenting (bathing with your child and how much fun it is for your child but hell for the parent) because if you don't you will go crazy trying to make your child follow all these arbitrary rules that have no real meaning to them.Things to glean from this book-- If you've never made a fort with your son with your living couch cushions because you think it will cause a mess, you are missing out on the joy of having a son or even daughter.- If you've never camped out in your own backyard in a tent with your kids and told scary ghost stories while eating fun snack foods, again your missing out.- Instead of trying to correct or make sense of what your child is saying you just go with the story and add to you. They will think you are funny but will love you even more for being funny.- Sleeping with kids can be a challenge, seeing how you might end up with a foot in your face the next morning, but to them their fun slumber parties.Yes, raising kids is a challenge and not for people who think life is all about following the rules. They will tug at your heart strings, make you laugh, make you wish you could think like a kid again, but they remind you that life moves pretty damn fast and before you know it they are going on dates and heading to college and if all you did was make them follow the rules while living in your house you missed out on some pretty great moments with them. Kids remind us that change is important and growth is never ending so enjoy it while you can and never go imagining crazy stories. I was lucky enough to receive an advance copy of this book and I've been laughing ever since it arrived in my box. Each one of Jason's lists is better than the last, but my favorite is "Baby Wipes Forever," because my kids are well past the diaper age, but I still buy baby wipes in bulk, because I can use them for everything! Do yourself a favor and get this book and then get two more for some friends of yours.

Do You like book This Is Ridiculous This Is Amazing (Sneak Preview): Parenthood In 71 Lists (2014)?

If you have kids, you will love it, for sure. Hilarious and insightful.

hysterical! i love it. every parent or future parent must read this.

Cried from laughing so hard, in public. Mom of 4, enough said!


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