An okay book for remembering facts or trivia. Nothing incredibly special about it, and some of the mnemonics used are not very memorable or remarkable (most seem to completely made-up for this book).The best audience for this book would be grade-school students and their parents (with the intent that they read the book together and the parents quiz the children) or even better, a grade-school teacher. For a grown-adult, it's almost a waste of time, besides to reminisce of what they learned in school or to hear things they never learned (because they have little bearing on our day to day lives).I would read this again, only to see if I absorbed any of the info (not likely, as I already knew most, and the rest was so unimportant it wasn't worth giving much thought to). I'll admit that loving the cover of this book is the sole reason I picked it up. :-) The book was good, though definitely geared toward elementary/early middle school students. There were a lot of nifty mnemonics and clever poems; while a lot of it was utterly basic (it includes instructions on just HOW to sing the ABC's), I was thrilled to find beneficial info my rusty out-of-school-for-too-long brainwaves didn't know/remember, and tricks to remember said forgotten items. Notably, a tongue twister teaching the letters of the Greek alphabet, a poem containing the American presidents in sequence, a rhyme useful for learning the kings and queens of England, an acrostic for the royal families of England and another for remembering the countries of Central America (and picturing the "elephant" the countries make together), and some basics of geometry that I had failed to retain.I want to buy this book to use with my kids for school!
Do You like book Thirty Days Has September (2008)?
a great resource for showing mememerization of music, history, science, math, punctuations
Very cute mnemonic tricks. I always need more things to help my memory.
This is a great book for both children and adults.