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Thirty Days (2006)

Thirty Days (2006)

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3.62 of 5 Votes: 4
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1595783059 (ISBN13: 9781595783059)
Liquid Silver Books

About book Thirty Days (2006)

Im not going to pretend this was a hard read. The subject matter wasn't easy.The story centers on Caven, a young man who was sold into slavery at the age of 16, having been conditioned for it from the age of 11 and Biton, a Master who is still 'recovering' from the death of his former slave and lover.In an effort to try to get Biton to move on, a party is hosted at a firends home where Biton sees Caven.Thibngs move on and Caven moves in with Biton on a 30 contract.The story moves through Bitom trying to get Caven back into a good place, the arrest of Caven's former Master and of course a HFN.I have seen other reviews where the reviewers have commented on the way that the author describes the abuse. However, I think it was handled just right, you certainly got a flavor of the abose suffered by Caven.I would recommend this book but you might either want to read book 2 right away or have something fluffy to read right after. Unfortunately this wasn't exactly what I was hoping for. The fact that one of the MC's was stunted in his emotional development really threw me off balance and I was not able to recover. I got a little creeped out and am not able to recommend this book. Personal preference only, as the rest of the book was great and by the end the MC had pretty much recovered. Your experience could very well be completely different. Age difference is a REALLY touchy subject with me.

Do You like book Thirty Days (2006)?

Pas mémorable mais sympa à lire, même si l'histoire de Cavan est bien sombre.

A very nice story of a heart-broken, lost Dom and an abused, traumatized Sub

I love Biton and Cavan!!(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Loved it.

So sad:(

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