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Thirteen Senses: A Memoir (2004)

Thirteen Senses: A Memoir (2004)

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4.23 of 5 Votes: 2
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0060935677 (ISBN13: 9780060935672)
harper perennial

About book Thirteen Senses: A Memoir (2004)

I was certain I wrote a review last year when I finished the book but apparently I was wrong. Salvador and Lupe's story is one that mimics life with all its craziness and spontaneity and that's why I enjoyed reading Thirteen Senses so much. I've read the complaint that the book is too filled with faith and is too much of an emotional roller coaster. Rather than disagree, I reflected on my own life and the people I have encountered along the way and concluded in about five seconds that I know a number of real life people whose lives rival and surpass Salvador and Lupe's by degrees in the areas of faith and drama.The writing has a familiar, clear and concise feel which works whether the author intended it or not. I felt like the characters were family which made me invest in the story. Like everyone else, I loved La LLuvia de Oro (Rain of Gold). I love Thirteen Senses as well.

I was really drawn into this book, and even though it is over 500 pages long I did not want it to end. Reading it gave me a lot of insight into relationships, and the power that you have over your own reality.Lupe and Salvador are a perfect example of how two people can come together and truely have the very best (even when everything around them seems to be falling apart) simply because they have eachother.I usually would not re-read a book, but I really can't wait to peak back through it in a couple of months. As for the thirteen senses, you will have to read and experiance them for yourself!

Do You like book Thirteen Senses: A Memoir (2004)?

I was really hoping that this book would have been as great as its prequel, Rain of Gold, With rain of gold I was so intrigued by the lives of Lupe's and Salvador's Family to put it down. ALthough this book does depict the details about their later marriage and love, I was still not as pleased with is as I was with the first one. I think that it was too much of a good thing actually. I had read this book about 5 years ago and loved it, and rereading it I was hoping to love it even more, it didnt quite do it for me however.
—Susana Mendoza

I have to take a moment to give myself props for reading this in Spanish, but unfortunately Goodreads doesn't give me the chance to more publicly celebrate my great achievement. (So I'll just write about it in my review! Lol) Thirteen Senses or "Trece Sentidos" was a very interesting continuation of the lives of the "Rain of Gold" families, focusing particularly on Juan and Lupe's first years of marriage. While the epic prayer battles between Juan's mother and various members of the Trinity and/or Virgin Mary can seem to be crossing the line between non-fiction and magical realism at times, the conversations on men, women, and family life were fascinating. Such a respect for human beings and their development! The best thing about reading this is the feeling it gives you throughout. It's humanism at its best.
—Amy VanGundy

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