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Things Invisible To See (1955)

Things Invisible To See (1955)

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1561013153 (ISBN13: 9781561013159)
cowley publications

About book Things Invisible To See (1955)

“(In the jungle it shone on Papa’s outstretched )” (7).“...and he could make a cheap suit look expensive just by wearing it” (9).“On the pale green Monopoly board of his future, he bought the house they lived in and the lot behind…” (11-12)“...and Henry Schoonmaker, his parakeet perched on his shoulder like a sky-blue epaulet, and Stilts Moser, who galloped around the bases in such a way as to suggest that God, who winds and watches the footage of humanity, speeded up the reel when Stilts picked up a bat and swung” (14).“...and a vase in the guise of a white cat. Pink carnations rose from its ceramic head like bright ideas” (17).“‘God broke the mold when he made you,’ said Ben.“‘Mold!’ exclaimed God. I never repeat myself’” (67).“To keep from forgetting, she say severely to her ring, ‘I am putting you on the sill,’ or she would remind her watch she was putting in on the china cabinet…” (91).“Having dibs on the sled was almost as good as having the real sled if you were sick and couldn’t use it” (92).“...under which a tiger cat slept like an exhibit, offering its belly to the fire” (113).“The Oriental rug underfoot gave Ben the feeling that all these wonders were precariously balanced on an island of flowers” (113).“Snow added its cubits to the stature of the roof, the trees, the picnic tables spread as if with that hidden fabric called ‘the silence cloth’ by housewives who keep it under the finer damask one, to absorb the clatter of dishes and silver” (125).“Under its roof of ice, the river sent up bubbles: the telegraphed laments of the fish” (125).“...and crumpled April into a ball, which he threw with great dexterity into a basket on the other side of the room” (230)“The sea was as still as if someone had turned it off, and the silence as deep as if someone had turned it on” (252).“ the twilight of the pulled blinds…” (266).“She did not put Davy back to bed right away but let him stay up to see the stars. With the shortages, he was surprised to see so many” (275).“...content to watch her hands twinkle the yarn off the needles” (276).“That night, eating supper with his mother, Willie rearranged the universe in his head” (296).“‘Some things you never forget,’ said Death. ‘Baseball is one of them.’“What were the others? Father Legg wondered. Once he would have said ‘love.’ Now it did not seem that simple” (333).“The stuff of being alive. Morning, evening, the first snow and the last snow, bells, daisies, hubcaps, silver dollars, ice cream, hummingbirds, love” (337).“‘They remember how it was. All the pain, all the trouble--they’d choose it again--they’d go extra innings into infinity for the chance to be alive again’” (341).“She had not heard any sound that far off since the last snowfall. All spring she’d heard the usual sounds, the chirp of crickets but not the silence of crickets; the drumming of rain on the roof but not the plotting of rain in the clouds” (342).

Nancy Willard is best known as a poet and author of children's stories. Along the way, however, she also has written two novels for adults, the first of which is Things Invisible to See. I still have the copy my best friend gave me in 1985 when she passed through my hometown on her move from eastern Pennsylvania to Oregon (where she has remained for the 25+ years since), so my fondness for the book may be partially tied to my fondness for her :).Things Invisible to See tells the story of Ben, who one summer evening casually belts a baseball out of sight, only later to discover that the wayward ball struck and seriously injured a young woman named Clare. Compelled to help her in any way he can before he goes off to fight in World War II, Ben quickly falls in love with Clare and her eccentric family (which includes a cat named "Cinnamon Monkeyshines".) It is the thought of returning to her that sustains him when the naval ship on which he serves sinks, and he finds himself adrift in a lifeboat with a single strange companion. With his future with Clare at stake, Ben makes a wager with Death: a game of baseball that will pit the young lovers and their families against the best players of all time, with Ben's life as the prize. Things Invisible is magical realism at its finest, and I re-read it every few years purely for the lovely flow of the writing. You will be enchanted.

Do You like book Things Invisible To See (1955)?

This is one of my favourite books ever. Why aren't there 10 stars to give it? It is a love story between Clare and Ben. It's about baseball- the beauty and joy and Americanness of it. It's a story of a slower time and place. It takes place in Ann Arbor, Michigan and revolves around a wager with the devil based on a baseball game. If you know baseball and Michigan there is so much here of it. The ultimate message is one of believing in yourself and believing that right and good will triumph in the end. But can they triumph when the devil can stack the deck?
—Melinda Seyler

I unfortunately am not able to say that I loved this book. While quite possibly the intent, it felt like several short stories brought together haphazardly. The flow, or lack thereof, of the writing and story made it very hard to identify and make a connection with any one character and the story as a whole. I hoped that the story would be brought to a close and the disconnect I felt resolved. This, however, was not the case in my experience with this book.I can appreciate the author as talented and recognize that she deserves respect accordingly. My own preferences of what I like to read, do not, unfortunately, match up with the authors writing style. I would describe the writing style as lyrical and poetic, showing lots of deep undertones and undisclosed meaning-very poetry like.This book does, certainly, have the potential of being loved by those with other preferences, so please do not discount this book on my personal review, and take into consideration your own likes and dislikes. *I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley.

Sometimes when I receive a review copy from a publisher, I start reading with enthusiasm and after a while my heart sinks at the thought of writing a review..And sometimes the book is an absolute joy and makes reviewing those other books worthwhile. This is such a book and I will be recommending it to friends and family. This is magic realism at its best. A deceptively simple fable that works on all sorts of levels, it is a love story and a metaphysical novel. Nancy Willard is a wonderful craftswoman, weaving references into the story without allowing them to overwhelm the tale.Willard is a poet and it shows.,She writes some beautiful prose, which is nevertheless simple and unflowery. Sometimes I think poets are particularly in tune with magic realism - understanding metaphor and the concept of "things invisible to see". The title is, by the way, a quote from John Donne's poem Go and Catch a Falling Star.On one level you have the well-drawn world of a small American town in the late 1930s and the two families at the centre of the story and on another you have the universal. The book opens: In Paradise, on the banks of the River of Time, the Lord of the Universe is playing ball with His archangels. Then it moves to the smallest of human worlds: In the damp night of the womb, when millions of chromosomes are gearing up for the game of life, the soul of Willie says to the soul of Ben, 'Listen, you can be firstborn and get out of this cave first if you'll give me everything else. Brains, charm, and good looks.' The story then moves into the material world of the boys' parents: Their mother worked at the front desk of Goldberg's Cleaners and Tailors.Despite this movement between worlds, the story arc works so well that I found it impossible to put the book down, finishing it in the early hours of the morning. I was genuinely interested in the love story between Ben and Clare, whether Ben will survive the Second World War and whether Clare would overcome her paralysis. For this book is about life and death as a game, but a very serious one. It culminates in a scene in which elderly mothers are playing baseball for the lives of their sons against a team chosen by Death. The referee is a childhood friend of Ben's who has already died in the War. I will not tell you the game's outcome. One of the things I loved about this book was that Nancy Willard does not hold back in presenting the world as she sees it. There is no writer's irony to hide behind, no fancy tricks, and some people will not like the book as a result. I loved it.I am very grateful for the publishers Open Road Media for giving me my copy in return for a fair review. This review first appeared on the Magic Realism Books Blog
—Zoe Brooks

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