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Things I Want To Punch In The Face (2012)

Things I Want to Punch in the Face (2012)

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3.17 of 5 Votes: 5
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0983459479 (ISBN13: 9780983459477)
Prospect Park Books

About book Things I Want To Punch In The Face (2012)

I like humor, but not mean-spirited humor. The premise here is fine--what annoys you so much you just want to punch it. Ok--kiddie beauty pagents, new age parents who let their kids run wild in Trader Joe's, pretentious coffee house regulars ... I get it. But her delivery is unlikeable, and rating the punch from 1-5 was really annoying. The gimmick ran amuck, leaving decent material floundering for a laugh. At first, this book was really exciting and funny. "What a great idea!" I thought. But, after a few chapters it just began to grate on my nerves. I mean, we get the point - there is a lot of dumb stuff out there and people are stupid, but it's just depressing to sit around and name them all. That said, it IS funny and will make you sds things in a new light. I'd recommend it as a coffee table book to ignite discussion or a light book to read one or two topics at a time.

Do You like book Things I Want To Punch In The Face (2012)?

Hmmm some of it was relevant, others not as much but hahaha pretty on the point!

Ranting with style. She's funny :)

Really want to read this book!

Very clever!

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