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Things Go Wrong For Me (when Life Hands You Lemons, Add Vodka) (2012)

Things Go Wrong For Me (when life hands you lemons, add vodka) (2012)

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0982772025 (ISBN13: 9780982772027)
RCG Publishing

About book Things Go Wrong For Me (when Life Hands You Lemons, Add Vodka) (2012)

I didn't know what to expect.I stumbled across the fact that Rodney had a book coming out a while ago, and popped it onto my Kindle for iPad once it was released. One night, I tucked myself into bed and decided to give his book a go before falling asleep.From the start, I was laughing so hard the iPad kept bouncing up and down. I was actually laughing out loud. His drawings, his dating profile, his and fantastic.He is a bit twisted in the head, yet you can tell he's a great dad and totally safe human being. A perfect combination.I believe you don't have to be a fan of Rodney online at MidgetManOfSteel or stalk him on Twitter at @Moooooog35 to enjoy this read, but you probably will get right on that once you finish this book.I highly recommend Things Go Wrong With Me to all my friends, and anyone else who will listen.Get this.Now. Rodney, better known to his blog devotees as Moooooog35, truly marches to the beat of a different drum. He's like a cross between Don Rickles and Andrew Dice Clay with a little George Carlin thrown in for goo measure. Oops that was a typo. I meant to say "good". But it's also kinda Freudian and you'll find out why in the hilarious vasectomy section of the book.I obtained this book for free during a Kindle promotion and let me say it was worth every penny! Just kidding, I actually would have spent money on this. How much remains to be seen. Just kidding again.You want a good laugh? Get this book. It's got a good beat (26 times apparently) and I can dance to it.

Do You like book Things Go Wrong For Me (when Life Hands You Lemons, Add Vodka) (2012)?

Laughed my butt off. Sexual Comedy. Potty Comedy. Stupid Comedy. Done well.


I only have one word fot his book : Hilarious! Absolutely loved it

Very funny, but crude towards the end....

Raunchy Humor.....Check!

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