About book They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam And How We Can Do It (2008)
One-third of this book is comprised of footnotes. Just about every other sentence is footnoted, so when I see someone say this book is "Islamophobic", I can only assume that individual suffers from FACT-ophobia. The book is chock full of history and is so fact-laden, at times, it can be boring. That is a COMPLIMENT. The author went to great lengths to defy the "Islamophobia" name-callers by providing the reader with facts and references to the point that the leftist name-callers become moot. Fact is FACT. The author clearly knows what she is talking about. She speaks with an urgency because she has seen her home country of Lebanon be overtaken by Sharia and Islamofascism during her own lifetime. Americans, especially Leftist Progressives, dismiss her urgency, and that may cost us. She is trying to warn us. Did you know papers were found in an apartment in Brooklyn describing a 100-year plan to impose Sharia in America? No, you didn't know that... because our government won't expose the truth... OR the lies. Wake up, America. I wish you could give a half of star but unfortunately you can not. Anyway I would have given this book 4 and a half stars had I been able to but 5 stars will do fine. Ms. Gabriel does a phenomenal job in educating the reader on terrorism, the history of Islam, and the meaning of Jihad. She also does a great job in explaining how we as people are lacking in doing anything in preventing these people from winning this battle. Now the very first review on here states that she is opposed to the rights this country bestows on these jihadists. No where in the book other then one statement where she says we should not allow Terrorists and those who support it to be allowed to promote this behavior in our country. Now I don't agree fully with this statement because our fore fathers created this country on the premise people would be able to speak their minds. If you do this to one group then it would have to apply for any group whether it is terrorists, or militia groups in our country. This is an infringement of the freedom of speech and I am not for that. Though if those statements lead to a incident and they are proven connect to a terrorist event then yes by all means arrest them and do what must be done.That was the one and only thing I disagreed with Ms. Gabriel on. Short of that the book goes into great detail and is very compelling to read. I agree with 99 percent of what her plans are to handle the situation and how we the people must do in order to make things get done. Lets face it our government is a push over for political correctness.I believe this book is a must read for those concerned with our nations path.
Do You like book They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam And How We Can Do It (2008)?
This is a must read. It is brilliant and everyone should read it.