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They Came To Baghdad (2015)

They Came to Baghdad (2015)

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0007154933 (ISBN13: 9780007154937)

About book They Came To Baghdad (2015)

لم تكن (فيكتوريا جونز) أكثر من فتاة إنجليزية مسالمة,ثرثارة,تتنفس الكذب وتهوى تأليف القصص والحكايات الغير حقيقية.كانت وحيدة وعزباء,بلا حبيب وبلا عمل..لذا حين قابلت ذلك الشاب الوسيم مصادفةً في الحديقة هوى له قلبها وأيقنت أنها وجدت حب حياتها..غير أن الشاب قد تقرر سفره بعد ساعات إلى بغداد لعملٍ ما,أثناء الاحتلال البريطاني للعراق,فقررت هي أن تتبعه بأي ثمن.ولأن (فيكتوريا جونز) فتاة تعسة سيئة الحظ,لم تختر وقتاً تسافر فيه أنسب من موعد مع مؤتمر سري لدول العالم العظمى لإقرار السلام في قلب بغداد,ومع منظمة شريرة تريد إفساد ذلك المؤتمر,وعميل سري غامض يلفظ أنفاسه الأخيرة في حجرتها بالفندق تاركاً لها رسالة مشفرة مبهمة..هاك الأمر إذن:لدينا جاسوس صريع,ورسالة غير مفهومة,ومؤتمر مهدد بالفشل,وعشرات العملاء والقتلة يسعون خلف الفتاة البائسة..فهل من مفر؟!لأغاثا كريستي العزيزة قدرة أشبه بالسحر على تحويل أبسط القصص والحبكات لروايات تقطر تشويقاً وإثارة,وتجعلت أنفاسك تلهث من فرط تتابع أحداثها.الرواية،كما حكيت بأعلى،لا تدور في الفلك المعهود للكاتبة;لا يوجد هنا جرائم قتل بالسم,ولا قاتل هو آخر من تتوقعه فى البيت,ولا محقق بلجيكي عصبي أو سيدة مسنة تهوي حل الألغاز وهي تحيك التريكو.جربتْ كريستي عدة مرات أن تنزع عباءة محققها الشهير هيركيول بوارو,أو مس ماربل الأثيرة لقلبها,وتحسست طريقها في رواياتٍ منفصلة لا تتبع سلسلة ما;روايات على غرار (لماذا لم يسألوا إيفانز) و( تحقيقات باركر باين) و(ثم لم يبق أحد) و(لقد أتوا إلى بغداد = رواية اليوم).والحق أنها نجحت أيما نجاح;فعلى عرش أعظم الروايات البوليسية عبر التاريخ تتربع (ثم لم يبق أحد),تلك الرواية الخالدة.كذا فإنك لو وضعت قائمة بأفضل مائة رواية بوليسية على الإطلاق,لن تعدم أن تجد ربع القائمة مختومة بخاتم (أغاثا كريستي) أو الأسماء المستعارة الأخرى التى كتبت بها.تجرب الكاتبة مرة بعد أخرى أن تغادر إطار (الجريمة التقليدية) لتتحرر من قالبه الجامد,وتلوذ بتيمات عالم التشويق الرحبة;روايات الأكشن,والإثارة,والجاسوسية..إلخلو كان قُدِّر لها أن تقابل د.نبيل فاروق تلك السيدة,لكانت أصابتها أزمة قلبية من فرط الإنبهار بالرجل :)في رواية اليوم,على بساطة فكرتها وأحداثها,كان التشويق حاضراً وبقوة,باستثناء البداية الهادئة زيادة عن اللزوم.أجادت الكاتبة وصف الأحداث والشخصيات على كثرتها,ونجحت في الإمساك بتلابيب شخوص الرواية دون إهمالٍ لأحد أو ارتباكٍ يصيب القارىء,دعك طبعاً من إحساسي طوال الرواية أني كنتُ هناك فى بغداد;أخوض الأسواق,وأدور فى طرقات المدينة الساحرة,وأمُرُّ بالباعة الجائلين متنفساً رائحة الطريق والبخور الفوَّاحة..لكل هذه التفاصيل البسيطة العبقرية زاد استمتاعي بالرواية,ومن ثمَّ تقييمي لها.انتهاءً: قد لا تكون رواية اليوم أفضل ما كتبت أغاثا كريستي,ولن أقول لك أنها حتى رواية عظيمة,لكنها فى إطار (رواية مشوقة مسلية ومثيرة) قدمت المطلوب ويزيد,وفي هذا الكفاية.لمحبي هذا النوع من الروايات,أو عاشقي أغاثا كريستي عموماً مثلي,أرشح تلك الرواية لهم متمنياً أن تنال إعجاب الجميع.حسام عادل26-8-2015

*Maxine's Review*Agatha Christie’s immaculate stories make her a master of suspense and mystery. They Came to Baghdad is different from other Agatha Christie's other books - it's more of a thriller than a mystery. I have not read much of spy novels, just Alex Rider series and that does not come anywhere near Christie’s ingenious plots. They Came To Baghdad does not have any high-tech machines or a gripping fight scenes, yet it is a book that the readers will find riveting and electrifying. The strong point of this book is the flawless story telling. For Victoria, the day has not started out well. She has been sacked from her job and does not have much cash to make up for her livelihood. That afternoon in the park, while pondering upon the unpleasant aspects of seeking a new job, she meets Edward. Just one meeting is enough for Victoria to fall head-over-heels for the dashing and polite Edward. Her luck unfortunately seems to have abandoned her as she finds out that he has to leave for Baghdad the very next day. Headstrong Victoria decides to follow the man she has fallen in love with to Baghdad, knowing only his first name and the firm he works in. However, once in Baghdad Victoria becomes embroiled in an international conspiracy when a dying man entrusts her with a message whose meaning she has no clue about. As her life is threatened and a plan to kidnap her is hatched by her rival for Edward’s affections, Victoria finds herself getting more on her plate than she had asked for.They Came To Baghdad takes the reader through a roller coaster ride with its suspense, mystery, murder and conspiracy. The book does not centre on just Victoria, it has many characters popping up in almost each new chapter. Sometimes it becomes a bit difficult to keep track of all the different characters and to remember who the bad guy is and who the good one is. Nevertheless each character and the sub plots lead us back to the impetuous Victoria Jones. She may be mediocre in her chosen profession of a short hand typist but she is an excellent actress. Though many would call her a talented liar, she will just say that she is better at making things up than stating the plain truth. This gift of making up rather far-flung yet strangely believable lies do get her to Baghdad; nevertheless these lies come at a great price. At first, Victoria comes across as an airheaded woman who does not stop to think twice before making a rash decision. She has no control over what she says in public; this aspect of her nature makes her a magnet for trouble in Baghdad. She may have been silly following a man half way across the world whom she met for just a few hours and only whose first name is known to her, but it is her sharp perception and intuitive nature that comes in handy once she finds herself trapped in a conspiracy that threatens to topple the world peace. Victoria’s plucky and dauntless nature makes her character hard not to adore.An exotic location, a mysterious message by a man who has been stabbed, an international conspiracy that threatens to start another world-war —They Came To Baghdad has everything you would want in a fast-paced thriller/mystery.Quotes:Victoria at any other moment would have been enchanted—nylon stockings having been usually beyond the reach of her purse. At the moment, however, hard cash was what she was hoping for. Mrs. Clipp, however, had been far too delicate to think of giving her a five dinar note. Victoria wished heartily that she had been quite so delicate.Victoria(an orphan) had just opened her mouth to explain how the plight of a mother at this moment suffering a major operation had so demoralized her that she had completely become light-headed, and how her small salary was all that the aforesaid mother had to depend upon, when, taking an opening glance at Mr. Greenholtz’s unwholesome gace, she shut her mouth and changed her mind.She heard this time. With difficulty, great difficulty, the young man said two words. Whether she had heard them correctly or not Victoria did not know. They seemed to her quite nonsensical and without meaning. What he was.“Lucifer—Basrah….”Overall: An action-packed and high-voltage bookRecommended? Yes! If you are a fan of mystery novels and haven't read a book by this author - Shame on you! :D

Do You like book They Came To Baghdad (2015)?

I bought this book on a whim. I was looking for "And Then There Were None" but it was sadly out of stock. But not so sad... Agatha is just one of those writers who, regardless of what book you get, she'll never disappoint you. Starting with... the mendacious Victoria Jones (woman reminded me of my ten year old self). She was so lovable and clever and witty but a bit of an airhead sometimes. Then there was Edward, the handsome stranger who made her just pack up and head to Baghdad on a whim (girl, are you crazy? You make me want to be crazy too!!). Now, since I don't want to add many spoilers (or any, at that) I shouldn't write any further about the book except the fact the fact that I loved it so much I read it all over again when I finished it the first time. There is suspense at every stage and the sequence of events just invite you turn the pages further and further. If you desire perfection in paperback... you should get this. Enough said.
—Mwana Mali

لم تكن من أفضل ما قرأت للرائعة آغاثا ورغم هذا لا أستطيع إلا الانحياز لهذه الكاتبة ومن هنا جاءت النجمات الأربع.. أدخلتني كثرة الأسماء في متاهة وعرفت المجرم قبل نهاية الرواية لأول مرة في تاريخ قراءاتي لآغاثا. في هذه الرواية يغيب السيد بوارو ومس ماربل وهذا أفقدني بعض المتعة وخاصة أن آخر ما قرأته لآغاثا كانت رواية الستارة والتي انتهت بانتحار بوارو لذلك كنت أتمنى أن ألقاه هنا لأشعر بأنه عاد ولكن عندما غاب أحسست أنه فعلا قد مات وحزنت مرة أخرى. (شعور مراهقين أعرف هذا) لا أعرف ما هو السبب ولكنني لم أشعر بأسلوب آغاثا المعتاد بل أحسست بأسلوب دان براون إلى حد ما
—Rula Loly

my favourite of Agatha Christie's huge range of books.combining her ingenious plots and tangible characters in an exotic blend of traditional breathless excitement, with her characteristic unexpected twist in the story bringing things to a sudden fast-moving, tense climax.Victoria is a character truly worth meeting and remembering. So are the other minor products of Christies's lively imagination;the hilariously dim-witted Dr. Pauncefoot Jones; the lovable and phlegmatic Marcus Tio;the Continential Bishop of Llanggua; and,always memorable, the sad-faced Dakin and young, brave Carmichael of the tragic end, of whom one barely meets at all in the story butcan't help but feel strongly about all the same.I like this, being one of the most wholesome Christies I have come across. Not as racy,spiritualistic,disturbing or gory as The man in the Brown Suit,The Hound of Death,Endless Night( I was so disgusted with this one in paticular even the plot could not atone for it) or They Do it With Mirrors.Every time I pick this up, however,and flip through it, it always draws me to it; which is always the sign of a good book!
—ci chong

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