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The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf Babies (2011)

The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf Babies (2011)

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1880370042 (ISBN13: 9781880370049)

About book The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf Babies (2011)

Hilarious!I had the privilege of meeting 6 of the Naughty Novelists when I attended the RT Booklovers conference this year in New Orleans. After talking with them, I downloaded this book just for kicks and grins. It. Is. Wonderful.This is not a "real" romance, this is a parody of bad romances. The character names, the terms they use for body parts, the blatant over acting, it all comes together like a bad soap opera, and I loved it. Honestly, it takes talent to be able to write that badly and still have a decent story. I laughed the whole time I was reading it.Thank you, Naughty Novelists for this book! I look forward to reading your other collaborative works as well as your individual titles! Five stars because it was so daft. I laughed all the way through, while the family looked at me like I was nuts! What a great idea, Nine authors get together to write one book. it was totally crazy.Set in BLOODSUCK, it is the story of ROCK FANGSWORTHY, The vampire with a blood phobia! The characters all have fantastically hilarious names, such as the Braveheart Brothers, Butch and Barkley (werewolves), Chastity Feelsgood, Billy Bob Bobson, and Buffi Von Pelt. Buffi being the mama of the Zillionaire cowboy vampire's Babies.There are SO many crazy quotes in this book, a few of the ones I found funny are.....With a dismayed gasp she looked down. Her soaking wet t-shirt clung to her body like she was a sorority girl in a Cancun bar at spring break. Why hadn't she put on a bra this morning?She winced as she noticed the dent his head had made in the flooring, Hopefully it wouldn't be too obvious once he got up, or she'd have to get a throw rug to cover it.Billy Bob Boson watched the whole display inside Rock Fangsworthy's house. He had awfully clear windows for someone who sunburnt easily.His icy love icicle pressed against her dewy portal, demanding admittance to her passion chamber.....everyone knows that vampire's aren't supposed to pass out when they see blood! And they're supposed to frikin sparkle in the sun!And to top it off there's even Vampire Viagra!well deserving off five stars. I loved every minute of it, Haven't had such a good laugh for ages.

Do You like book The Zillionaire Vampire Cowboy's Secret Werewolf Babies (2011)?

Pretty decent book. Liked how nine authors collaborated to create one book. :)

Corny, stupid funny, exactly what I expected.

HAH! Who's reading this with me!?

Fun read.


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