Jess Bonner, Dylan (Mig) Finch, Brandon Nyygard, and Dominga (Tomby) Martiz were four high-schoolers on the fringes of high school society who banded together into the "Domino Club." Originally the four were brought together by their marginalization and by their interest in some rudimentary experimenting with sex. However as the story begins, college bound Jess has lost interest in casual experimentation and is becoming aware of his growing interest in forming a more mature relationship with the more blue collar Mig. However, Jess is unsure that Mig would even be interested in a relationship, or that he defines himself as gay. This story quickly becomes one of coming out and coming of age in today's post gay era. Even though society is becoming more accepting, it's still new and disorienting to those going through it for the first time. Adding to the confusion here is the class difference between the two guys and the machinations of a manipulative ex-friend. On the up side are Jess's very cool dad and his irrepressible, truly loveable younger brother. The prose is well crafted. The story flows easily and one can spend some enjoyable time with these characters. BTW... the Zero Knot of the title refers to a topological concept in mathematics and there are parallels to relationships, but (perhaps due to intermittent dyscalculia) it didn't always add up for this reader. I suggest that you check it out for yourself. The Zero Knot by K.Z. Snow is a story of literary realism to savor, especially if you like young adult fiction, coming of age fiction, family stories, and romance that evolves childhood friends to lovers. Like much of this author’s fiction, The Zero Knot is set in the American Midwestern heartland of Wisconsin, and the vivid details of physical setting and working-class to middle-class cultural perspective make the story come alive. The main characters are strong and complex from the flirty (in danger of becoming slutty) Jesse to the endearing shy and inarticulate Mig. Both of them change a lot through their experiences in this novel. Meanwhile, the supporting characters are fascinating and vivid enough to be worthy of such great main characters. There is Jesse’s irrepressible kid brother Jared, Jesse’s decent and compassionate dad, the exasperating but interesting Tomby, and the creepy sociopath Bran.The story opens with the Domino Club, a group of teenage outcasts who are supposedly bisexual. Tomby, sixteen year-old girl genius, came up with the idea, though she seems mostly attracted to Bran. Bran, on the other hand, lusts after Jesse, and Jesse is falling for Mig who keeps his feelings to himself, at least at first. To Jesse, the Domino Club is something he has outgrown at eighteen in the summer after high school graduation. He knows he’s gay (not bisexual) and wants to explore his sexuality. Meanwhile, he works at a Renaissance Fair and prepares to move to Madison, Wisconsin for college. When he and Mig unexpectedly fall for each other, it triggers a series of events from coming-out to a brush with the law. Life will never be the same for Jesse and Mig.Val for AReCafe
Do You like book The Zero Knot (2011)?
Like the idea of the zero knot. Everything flows together. 3.5 stars, definitely.
A sweet lovestory between two teenage boys :)