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The Xenocide Mission (2002)

The Xenocide Mission (2002)

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3.62 of 5 Votes: 2
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0385750072 (ISBN13: 9780385750073)
david fickling books

About book The Xenocide Mission (2002)

Bought this is a sale and didn't realise it was a children's book until I got it home. So I thought I'd give it to my younger brother, but looking through it I realised I'd read it when I was at school. Probably one of the first science-fiction books I'd ever read. So I've re-read it now and it's amazing how many of the scenes and the characters came back to me. Brilliant aliens - the Rusties and XCs are genius - and some interesting human characters as well. Nothing really epic as far as plot is concerned, but it's a nice read and I think adults could enjoy it as well as children. I'm glad I found it!

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