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The Wonderful Book (2010)

The Wonderful Book (2010)

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3.85 of 5 Votes: 3
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0545085985 (ISBN13: 9780545085984)
Scholastic Press

About book The Wonderful Book (2010)

I read the Spanish version, El Libro Fantástico, in my continuing adventure to learn Spanish as an adult.This book is AWESOME. Several forest animals find a book and use it in various ingenuous ways. Of course, I'm partial to the little rats gathering around the book using it as a "mesa" because rats are great. The drawings were marvelous and creative and really assist with understanding the text. The Spanish version has only the Spanish text, so in my case, there were a few words that I couldn't figure out from context, and when I reread I will need to break out my dictionary, but even missing a few words, I still understand and really enjoyed the story.The book is mostly in past tense (preterite) which is what I'm learning currently. Did I mention the delightful drawings? I know I did, but they are really jaunty and fun. Typically, each page has only a few lines of text which makes it a very fast read where the drawings predominate.And, with a story with several different animals encountering the book in succession, it has a lot of repetition that I enjoyed. But, the repetition also has some variety to break up the monotony that repetition can create. Simply. this book puts a smile on your face which is great for a picture book. This is such a great book for young readers and those who can't yet read. The Wonderful Book is the story of a red book found in the woods, and what each animal large and small thinks it is as they come upon it. The book is a hat, a house, a picnic table and more. When the little boy finds the book towards the end of the story, he sits and reads the story to all the animals who thought this wonderful red book was something else.My kids loved finding out what each animal did with the book. It's an engaging read for pre-school aged and K aged kids. Any book the captures my children's attention and makes the laugh out loud is one I highly recommend picking up.

Do You like book The Wonderful Book (2010)?

Cute book. This would be a good book to use to model a love of books.

Just goes to show that a book can mean many different things!

This was a little too young for my 4-year-old.



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