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The Wife (2000)

The Wife (2000)

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4.01 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book The Wife (2000)

I really enjoyed this series, but felt that the conclusion was only okay. The first two books of the four book series were the best and drew me in - so there was no doubt in my mind that I would read all four, but I wish there was a little more substance. I felt that the romance aspect was "cheesy" and that the characters could have developed more depth in the last two books. There was more concentration on the plot than character development. It was good, but there is room for more. Overall, I do recommend the series. OMG! I cannot believe this is the last book. I'm so sad to say good bye to Damien and Sabrina and am so honored that I got to tell their story.There are some fun twists and turns in this one and it's a few thousand words longer than any of the other books in the series.I hope you love reading it as much as I loved writing it! Please feel free to drop me a line ([email protected]) and let me know!Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Do You like book The Wife (2000)?

Fun series and I love how you tied in Anton! Looking forward to reading his story soon....

I really liked this series. I can't wait to read Anton's story next.

Absolutely loved it.

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