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The Wheels On The Bus (2011)

The Wheels on the Bus (2011)

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0823423506 (ISBN13: 9780823423507)
Holiday House

About book The Wheels On The Bus (2011)

We all know the song and it's sure to be a program hit no matter how it's done. (We changed some of the words and actions from the text to some we thought would work better with our pre-school story time crowd).Come on everybody -- let's all stand up!Lions ROAR.Flamingos FLAP.Zebras STOMP (the book says and pictures "chomp")Monkeys WIGGLE (the book says "chatter")(We skipped the juggling laughing hyena)Crocodiles SNAP!Chameleons HIDE & SEEK (we did a peek-a-boo action)Bush Babies SHHH (the book says "snore") It takes a long time to get somewhere, even when you're traveling by bus. In this version of the classic traveling song, the eager animals don't stay quiet as the bus heads toward its destination. Instead, the lion roars, the flamingos flap, and the zebra chomps. Once they reach their watery endpoint, it's time for lots of fun. Young readers will enjoy hearing this read aloud and repeating the animals' sounds: the crocodile's snap and the monkey's chatter, not to mention the "ha. ha. ha. ho. ho. ho. hee. hee. hee" of the hyena. (I don't know that hyena's actually make those sounds, but the phrases sound funny when repeated a few times. The colorful illustrations are just as playful as the text.

Do You like book The Wheels On The Bus (2011)?

Cute variation on the popular song, introduces colorful animals roaring, snapping, etc.

Fun take on the classic song. Bright colorful illustrations.

Irresistably adorable illustrations.

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