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The Wedding Bargain (1999)

The Wedding Bargain (1999)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 1
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0380806290 (ISBN13: 9780380806294)
harper collins

About book The Wedding Bargain (1999)

The first ever book I've read of Victoria Alexander and I totally loved it! I liked the heroine: Pandora, right from the start. I have always liked a challenging woman who kept the men on their toes. Pandora is replica of a hellion and though her character seems cliché; its very much likeable and entertaining. "Hercules' prize was merely immortality. Mine" his gaze trapped hers, his voice intense, "is you." Lord Trent/Max, as pandora describes him, is a rake, rogue, scoundrel, lets not forget: a beast. He had set his sight on pandora from the very first time they met. And the cunning man, befriended her nice friend Cynthia to get the hellion's attention and succeeded. When they meet, their bargain for wedding begins in the form of a test. If Max won, he can marry Pandora and if she won, then she'd get to pick a bride of her own choice. The story that follows is really kind of adventurous and damn funny. Pandora doesn't want to marry anyone and does her best to resist Max, but she is attracted to him and can't resist his charms. The ending was also hilarious! The rest of the characters were very well developed. When Laurie (Max's friend) tried to talk Pandora's father out of the game and Harold just said "She's an effington all right." Lol. Any other father would have suffered from a mild heart attack! That shows how unique each character was!The negative point for me in this book was: Some parts which seems humorous is not at all that! This is the scene when she shoots a gun and tells Max that she can shoot.He snorted. "Not well. I was right behind you and you missed me." "I'm English," she murmured.Ok what does she mean?! She just shot a gun and it didn't hit Max and then this dialogue. Is she implying that english people don't shoot well? Anyways, I didn't understand some more paragraphs in the book.Recommended to all historical romance fiction lovers. Four point five stars.

Romanian review:Transportându-ne înapoi în trecut în lumina balurilor somptuoase și extravagante ale Angliei anului 1818, întâlnim o mulțime de personaje fascinante care îmbină frumusețea și bogăția clasei nobilimii cu trecutul scris în vestigiile Anticității.Pandora Effington și Maxmilian Wells sunt protagoniștii poveștii și de asemenea cei mai râvniți tineri de pe piața matrimonială. Încăpățânați din fire, cei doi au refuzat căsătoria din motive mai mult sau mai puțin romantice.Descoperind lumea creată de Victoria Alexander, nu am putut să nu o admir pe protagonistă pentru încăpățânarea de a nu se căsători fără iubire, dar și înclinația ei spre încălcarea regulilor societății, valsând cu grație pe prăpastia scandalului. În oglinda acestui personaj, îl întâlnim pe Maximilian conte de Trent, care venit de la război, a dus o viață, deși onorabilă, plină de petreceri și „amante” care mai de care mai interesante. ~*~ English review:Transporting us back in time in the light of the fancy and extravagant English balls of 1818, we meet fascinating characters which are combining the beaut and the luxuri of the nobility with the written past in the Antiquity's vestiges.Pandora Effington and Maximilian Wells are the main characters of the book and also the most wanted young from the wedding list. Stubborns both refused the mearriage from reasons more or less romantic.Discoverying the world created by Victoria Alexander, I couldn't not admire Pandora for her will not to marry without love but her ability to breack the society's rules and her graceful dance on the edge of the scandal's abyss. In the mirror of this character we meet Maximilian Count of Trent who came fromwar with many scars on his soul who had many adventures very interesting.

Do You like book The Wedding Bargain (1999)?

I had this e-book on hold through the library so when it was available, I had just finished with the other books I was reading and thought, "Why not?" It was definitely a light read and pretty enjoyable, despite the fact that I wanted to throttle the stubborn Pandora Effington. I like Max, so he made up for it, even though he was "a rake, a rogue, a scoundrel, and a beast." ;-) This story is set in the early 1800's when women are supposed to marry before they become old maids at the ripe ol' age of 24. Pandora is an only daughter, so her father, knowing her independent nature, has bestowed her with an inheritance so she doesn't have to marry until she is ready. This book is about the "courtship" between Pandora and the brave man who has decided that she will prove to give him a very exciting life. Like I said, it was cute and light, but I didn't have any urge to read anymore Victoria Alexander books after finishing this one.
—Karen (EarthAngel2911)

"Un bacio che segnava la fine di una partita giocata fra un demonio e un eroe e segnava anche la fine di un patto stretto fra un marito e una moglie. O segnava forse… soltanto il principio"Patto di nozze è il delizioso volume che apre la serie degli Effington, una famiglia numerosa ed eccentrica. Pandora Effington ha due amorevoli e ricchi genitori e non sente certo il bisogno di un marito. Arrivata alla sua settima stagione, e alla "veneranda" età di 24anni si è guadagnata l'appellativo di Demone di Gretna Green e danza con fascino e disinvoltura tra scandalo ed etichetta. Questo ha attirato l'attenzione dell'affascinante Max, conte di Trent che l'ha designata come perfetta sposa. Tutto inizia tra loro con una scommessa davvero originale: per ottenere la mano di Pandora, Max dovrà superare le famose dodici fatiche di Ercole! XD Inutile dire che ben presto il bel conte si rende conto che conquistare la mano della sua cocciuta sfidante non gli basta: vuole anche il suo amore...e Pandora accetterebbe di sposarsi solo per amore. I botta e risposta tra i due sono davvero divertenti, non mancano romantiche scene e i personaggi secondari sono tutti interessanti e ben delineati con tanto di storia d'amore secondaria tra i migliori amici di Max e Pandora :D Ho divorato questo romanzo in un sol boccone e proseguirò sicuramente la serie ^_^
—Sabrina (Soter) Sally

I didn't like how the book started and that might put people off but the story gets better. Of course, I missed the usual struggle of the hero with his troubling past and wonderful present but it's just such a fun read that i have forgiven all those little things.Another book where the heroine got to punch the hero! Lovely!It was so, so much fun to read how Max accomplished all his tasks. Especially the geese! God, that was priceless. I can imagine such a handsome earl who suddenly looked 100% crazy as he shooed the birds away. Alexander should have built his character more. I would have loved a little more "darkness" to him. But it was refreshing how he didn't really struggle in coming to terms with his love for Pandora. (Btw, i hate the name Dora, reminds me of the Explorer ugh) I also liked the bit with the twit. It's a good small twist in the story. I liked the carriage scene where he confessed, "always a bit of lust" to Pandora. That was very cute. Haha! I also liked Cynthia as a minor character. It wouldn't have been as fun without her but I was hoping her "help" came in the form of her distracting the twit.

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