I started reading this book after receiving my son's kindergarten progress report.....which I think is not accurate. Thomas is a fidgeter and doesn't sit still longer than a minute, constantly moving, doesn't pay attention and gets distracted easily. This book is teaching me that Thomas is a "boy" and boys learn differently, they develop slower than girls and they explore their surroundings in many different ways.... If there is a boy or man in your life that you would like to fully understand this book is for you! Although the author is PHD this book is completely readable and full of common sense...since I only have daughters I am always interested in reading more about the boys who live in the classroom that I teach. This is a MUST read for any parent and teacher alike; you will find many "AHA!" moments as well as those,"I thought so!". This is NOT a pity party about how hard it is to be a boy but, rather an owners guide for those of us who love our sons, boys and husbands. Easy reading and of much value. Would make a great present for a first time Mother of a boy; regardless of age and experience. Trust me: you too will be marking LOTS of the passages!
Great book for parents of boy(s). I could relate to a lot of the points the author makes.
Insightful and helpful on why my son is the way he is. He is a boy!!!!!!!!!
Some really interesting thoughts. The author has an outstanding experience.
So insightful! Great parenting strategies for boys and girls...