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The Way Forward: Renewing The American Idea (2014)

The Way Forward: Renewing the American Idea (2014)

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Grand Central Publishing

About book The Way Forward: Renewing The American Idea (2014)

Overall I was disappointed. I was expecting a much more detailed plan of what Mr Ryan would propose we do to create jobs, reduce Government, handle the entitlement mess and cut the debt. He did have a lot of ideas and recommendations on all the major issues with a discussion on why we adopt his suggestions, but no down in the dirt details. For me the devil is in the details. What programs should be done away with or cut. Adjust the tax system exactly how. Tell me in detail how we deal with the entitlement programs. How many years under his plan to a balanced budget. Instead we got a top level discussion on his American Ideal and basically the Republican platform. One thing he does stress which I do think is vital, is the need to put forward plans and ideas and not just say no and attack the other party.In general an OK read, but for me lacking in the real details of what he proposes. BThis was an informative insight into Paul Ryan's viewpoints and beliefs. It is an easy to understand and I believe Paul Ryan was honest and candid in sharing his values and vision for major policy questions facing America. There were a few instances of his leadership that in reading the media reports at the time I found questionable, but in reading Ryan's explanation of these same actions, it made more sense to me. He is a leader in the House, has authored much of the budget recommendations the oats six years, and it is important for all US citizens to better understand leaders in politics, even when you don't agree with them. So, I would recommend this as an easy quick read for folks across the array of political preferences.

Do You like book The Way Forward: Renewing The American Idea (2014)?

good to read an optimistic perspective of the what the future of this country could be.

He seems like a smart guy with some good ideas.

Good ideas, well written.

Once a Keynesian.....

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