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The Wallbanger (2014)

The Wallbanger (2014)

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About book The Wallbanger (2014)

So... when I start reading about a blind date in a book, I always have thoughts like "how would their chemistry appear so quickly??" "How can 2 people decide from the first sight, that they want to see each other again???" ... Lots of questions and most of the time, the "answer" provided by the author, via the book, leaves me dissapointed. Well, not this time.... Renee is giving us an awesome book, quick paced and HOT!Both of these men have their insecurities, and for good reasons, but know exactly what they are looking for. But Renee gave us a story, where all things come naturally, so MY insecurities for this book, run away quickly.I totally recommend this book to anyone that wants to read a hot and quick M/M story!!! (Spoiler alerts)First off, what a great way to start the series. I loved that one of the two heroes was 45. That was a splash of genius. Having him come for a blind date, not sure the blind date would arrive only to have WOW! Look who he now has a date with!I am glad there is a part II coming because, voyeur that I am, I have to know what happens with Harvey and Jay. Will Harvey's ex make another play? Do we find out why he is such an incredible jerk? Can we hopefully see Jay punch the ex where the light doesn't shine? Oh, wait. Where was I?As for my rating. I gave it 4 stars because the story seemed too rushed in getting to the climax. It went from one moment of Harvey almost raped to wham! He and Jay were going at it. Not that I minded the scene. I didn't. I just wish we'd had a little more timing between the two scenes. As attracted as the two were, it seemed like not enough for how things happened. But this is a story I will be reading and re-reading, thus the 4 stars. After all, I adore Harvey :DI received a complimentary copy for an honest review.

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I love love this series!! Bravo!!

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