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The Voyage Of Lucy P. Simmons (2012)

The Voyage of Lucy P. Simmons (2012)

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3.29 of 5 Votes: 5
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0062119796 (ISBN13: 9780062119797)
Katherine Tegen Books

About book The Voyage Of Lucy P. Simmons (2012)

Barbara Mariconda's "The Voyage of Lucy P. Simmons" takes place in turn of the century Maine with Lucy, a feisty but not annoying young girl, as the lead heroine.Story opens with Lucy joining her parents for a ride on the ocean as her father is a former sea captain. The outing ends in tragedy as Lucy's father tries to save a strange man and ... well... let's just say that Lucy ends up in a bad situation.There are flaws to the story in that Lucy seems to adjust a little too fast to her change in circumstances. The bad guys are little too obvious as well. And there is technically no 'voyage'. At least not in this volume although the writer does seem to be setting up for a series, which I am not opposed to.Lucy is a nice turned heroine. Not too annoying and not too Mary Sue. She also knows how to apologize and she's the not the best at everything.There are some good supporting characters too in Addie, the housekeeper, and Miss Maude who isn't Mary Poppins but who knows what she might be.Overall, it was just a nice book to read on a rainy afternoon. Not quite a 4 but a decent 3.5. Lucy's idyllic life comes to a end with the tragic drowning of her beloved parents and the arrival of her greedy uncle Victor. Helped by the mysterious Marni and her faithful servant Addie, Lucy discovers secrets about her home, her family, and herself. Mariconda creates a wonderful setting for the story along with well developed characters. Unfortunately the ending was just a bit too far-fetched, even for a fantasy, and left me sadly disappointed.

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