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The Upright Man (2004)

The Upright Man (2004)

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3.74 of 5 Votes: 2
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0515136387 (ISBN13: 9780515136388)

About book The Upright Man (2004)

So my re-read continued and of course I had to go next for Book Two of “The Straw Men” Trilogy – The Lonely Dead and very shortly I will be immersed back into Book Three – Blood of Angels.After the events of “The Straw Men” we find Ward in hiding, drifting from place to place and occasionally attempting to find out more about his background. Meanwhile John is pursuing some dangerous people – but who are the most dangerous – them or John himself? The only other person Ward trusts, Nina, is having her own issues – after covering up the dramatic final events of “The Straw Men” both her job and her life are on the line..together she and Ward must untangle the web John is caught up in but can they save him? Does he deserve to be saved?Once again Michael Marshall weaves an intricate tale – so intricate that its hard to talk in depth about the plot without offering spoilers – and if you have yet to begin this trilogy then I would be mortified if I spoilt any part of it for you. I can say the mythology deepens – both Ward and John again find themselves facing almost impossible decisions – the world they find themselves in is a lonely and dangerous place. Nina, a character I didnt mention by name in my review of the first book, really comes into her own here. She is the voice of reason, the moral guidance if you like – and yet through her we explore the question – how far is too far before you will leave the law behind.I loved this second part – it expands and adds to the overall tale brilliantly – no loss of pace or standard here – if anything it improves on the first in the series. Now you are in this world you need to know more about it. And Michael Marshall will tell you more about it…but not everything. Oh no. I’m in the happy position of not remembering in detail what is going to happen in the final instalment (for now – Yes Mr Marshall, I’ve got my eye on you – More Straw Men please!) so I can’t wait to dig into “Blood of Angels” and find out what is next for Ward, a character I have fallen in love with all over again.

This is what happens when you have certain expectations about a book. The book was well written, I thought the pacing was on par with other suspense/thriller type books and since it is the second book in a trilogy the characterization is there. So what's my problem? (Granted, 3 stars isn't a bad rating but I really felt like giving it 2 stars as soon as I finished.)This was not the direction I wanted the book to head. How egocentric is that?The two parts of the first book that I really enjoyed were the idea of The Straw Men and John Zandt and neither one played prominent parts in this volume. Zandt was peripheral, popping up here and there throughout the story. There was a moment where The Straw Men were discussed in relation to the lost settlement of Roanoke and the mysterious Croatoan but that was about it. This story was primarily about Ward and Nina and the search for the Upright Man.So this is really one of those times where I have to take the blame for not enjoying a book. If I start a book with certain ideas but the author goes in a different direction, how can I blame anyone but myself?

Do You like book The Upright Man (2004)?

SLIGHTLY SPOILER-ISH: I thought the first half of this book was sometimes painfully slow with a few too many unnecessarily long passages of internal monologue. BUT, the last 1/3 of the book delivered the goods in a big way. I love these flawed characters and the dark conspiracy their caught up in. The descriptive passages are detailed and effective. I felt the cold and sensed the darkness. I even enjoyed the suggestion of cryptozoid humanoids at the heart of the conspiracy. The way the author dances around this idea is fun reading. On to the third book!

This is actually a follow-on from The Straw Men - which I haven't read (yet!). I enjoyed Michael's style of writing, quick-paced and flows well and not filled with needless details - I don't enjoy reading a thriller that is too heavy on what I consider irrelevant details - details that seem to be provided in order to fill pages and which don't actually do anything or add to the plot - it bores me!This book had a couple of threads running through that seem unrelated but do eventually meet... the ending for me was a little too easily wrapped - all of a sudden everything comes together and is tied with a big red bow but irrespective of this, The Lonely Dead has sparked enough interest for me to check out some of Michael's other books...
—Simonne Davis

The first book in the Straw Men trilogy blew me away. It was a serial killer conspiracy thriller that was full of action, originality and some great characters. And The Lonely Dead, the second book in the trilogy, is no different in that respect. It barrels along at a fast pace, there are plenty of action and gripping set pieces, and the characters, some familiar, some new, are great. Marshall's writing is addictive and reminiscent of Stephen King, and he can write action just as well as he can write dialogue and description. The only thing that stopped this getting five stars, is the plot. It's complex and twisting and unpredictable, but it doesn't go very far. One plot strand is solved, but there are yet more questions and not enough answers. There are a few sub plots that are left unexplained and seem pointless in hindsight. I realise there is another book to come, but this second installment felt like filler that could have perhaps been edited down to be split into the first and third books, basically making this a duology rather than a trilogy. However, Marshall's writing and characters more than make up for the plot and this is still a standout book of its genre. Highly recommended.
—Sam Whitehouse

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