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The UnValentine (2008)

The UnValentine (2008)

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3.86 of 5 Votes: 3
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1590388437 (ISBN13: 9781590388433)
Shadow Mountain

About book The UnValentine (2008)

I personally enjoyed this because I can identify with the main character! I am not, nor have I ever been a fan of Valentines day! This book is great for boys and girls of all ages, and will make anyone laugh. It's perfectly sarcastic, and I think that little boys and young adults disenchanted by valentines day will appreciate it! It has a sweet ending, and some great bonus Valentines in the back! I need this book just for the Valentines! Oh My Goodness. This is a book I am going to need to own. It is so hilarious. I mean who really likes valentines day when you get to be an early teenager and there aren't valentines for everyone. This was just dripping with sarcasm and sass and I loved every minute. Not to mention the hilarious "un- valentines" in the back. This would be a fun one to teach and have activities for in middle school or high school. Loved it.

Do You like book The UnValentine (2008)?

I did not expect this ending. I liked it, but it may be a bit dark for really young children.

This is one of Zach's buddies who teaches at UVU- it's fun to find friends on Good Reads!

This little book is amazing with a wonderful concept and the artwork is fabulous.

I LOVED this! It was poetically funny, and I enjoyed it!

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