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The Universal Mirror (2012)

The Universal Mirror (2012)

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3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
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0615596517 (ISBN13: 9780615596518)
Hydra Publications

About book The Universal Mirror (2012)

A fantasy novel I read for the Endeavour Award. Not enough of a story or a setting for an entire story. And yet the setup of the story had some possibilities. But I didn't like any of the characters as we saw them - I might have liked all but Quentin if it had been written differently. And I didn't buy the ending. Was Felix gay and thinking Asahel was as well? I guess we can't know that because the author was too interested in hinting rather than having us truly know the characters. This book was nicely original, especially in the way magic was used and I quickly felt for the characters and their situation, willing them on to achieve their goal. All in all I actually felt the book was a little short. I think the same story could have been told with more words and more decription of the events but I still enjoyed the book and didn't like to put it down.There were a few points I got a little confused and wasn't sure what was happening and where etc and I think there could have been a little more info on the setting. I still can't quite get it all straight in my head but the characters were believable and well written enough I didn't mind that much.And as a slight moan, more to the publisher than the author I really didn't like that the book finished at only 80% of the way through. The last 20% of the book was samples from other works of the publisher. I wouldn't have minded if the book had finished at 90%+ and had samples of the authors other works or another similar author or two but not as many as this had.

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