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The Unforgettable Photograph: How To Take Great Pictures Of The People And Things You Love (2013)

The Unforgettable Photograph: How to Take Great Pictures of the People and Things You Love (2013)

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3.82 of 5 Votes: 4
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0761169237 (ISBN13: 9780761169239)
Workman Publishing

About book The Unforgettable Photograph: How To Take Great Pictures Of The People And Things You Love (2013)

This book by George Lange takes a different approach to most photography books. The book focuses on ways to capture emotion and feelings. The book focuses an capturing people and moments focused around people. It suggests methods for interacting with people, using props and natural light. The book is aimed at the photographer who primarily shoots people.The book was given to me as a gift and it is lovely book but since my photographic focus is not people, it will not be a book that I will frequently use. I would recommend it for people who do focus on their families and children. This book offers excellent tips for amateur photographers as well as professional. Lange gives easy-to-understand and -use hints, provides full-color examples of photographs illustrating his ideas, and elaborates on what he means. For the more serious photographer, Lange gives shutter speed, aperture, ISO, and lens length for every photograph included. The book is well beyond what I would use or need, but I still took away many ideas for better photographs. I think the book would be an excellent reference for more serious photographers.

Do You like book The Unforgettable Photograph: How To Take Great Pictures Of The People And Things You Love (2013)?

I liked the tips and tricks he gives. He is a vry talented and creative photographer.

I loved the tone and style of this book. The pictures and suggestions are amazing.

"I want my pictures to be about stories, people, ideas. feelings..."

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