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The Uncollected Stories Of William Faulkner (1997)

The Uncollected Stories of William Faulkner (1997)

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0375701095 (ISBN13: 9780375701092)

About book The Uncollected Stories Of William Faulkner (1997)

even in this collection of stories - many of which were never published, or were left out of collections (hence the strange title) or were massively revised and appeared as long sections of novels - even here, faulkner's genius shines. the way he constructs a story, the rhythms of his lines, the structure of his paragraphs - his characters, his stories, his pacing. the guy had game. now, to be sure, a lot of people don't like faulkner. they find his stories plodding, his style infuriating, his structure unintelligible. and for them i have some advice: you do not read faulkner like you read other writers. reading his work is like watching an action that is taking place through the trees, in your neighbor's yard. the trees sway a little in the breeze and you see more of the story. they sway back and something new is revealed. but you never see the whole story right out in front of you. some people find this annoying, and that's fine. for me, though, it creates works that i don't feel i've read; it creates works that i feel i've lived.

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