For all cat people, this young adult tale is wonderful. Mystical. Fierce. Downright feral.Our cat hero, Mati, like Moses in the bull rushes, is cast adrift by his mother the last queen of a nearly extinct race of cats that is concerned about, well . . . the greater good. Mati is pursued by Mithos, whose presence may be noticed only by a slight whiff of sulfur (hint, hint). This delightful book just begs to be read out loud, which I caught myself doing on any number of occasions. Loved it! I picked this book up at the library a while ago on a whim and decided to check it out because the cover seemed really interesting and because I love cats. I’m glad I did because I really enjoyed reading it! With all the excitement, friendship, treachery, magic, and mythology contained within this book, I think anyone both young and old, kids and adults, could enjoy this book. It draws on mythology about ancient cats and adds in a hint of magic. I especially enjoyed reading about Mati’s instincts about things that are going to happen.I also liked reading about the cats of Cressida Lock, the group of cats Mati joins, because of their unique customs and ideas. I enjoyed reading about each of the cats living there, but my favorite cat was Sparrow. He is a really kind, silly, and supportive cat that becomes a good friend and supporter of Mati.Mati’s struggle to understand his identity and remember his past really drew me into the story. Throughout the book, Mati has to learn to trust his instincts and use good judgment. The end is very dramatic and suspenseful. I don’t want to give too much away, so all I will say is that I loved the way Mati had to learn who he truly was in order to overcome his enemy.
Do You like book The Tygrine Cat (2008)?
Can someone tell me if this is a blatant Warriors rip-off?Because it sure sounds like it.
like Watership Downbut with less character death.